Jan 09, 2007 11:12
I AM SO STRESSED!!!!!! I have 4 new classes, 3 of which are event classes, 2 of the 3 so far are planning huge events for the end of the semester.
I start my Disney job on Friday--exciting yes.. Nerve-racking, yes. Scared, yes.
My roomates are extremely quiet. That sounds like a good thing.... it is, but I love interaction. Especially since I live in the same tiny apartment as them 24/7. I give that time though... can't get to know 3 people overnight.
I feel not myself in so many different ways that I am literally tearing my stomach up and it does not feel well. Not too many people understand what that feels like.
I feel like all of my friends hate me. That is not a very good feeling to add on top of all of this.
I can't make decisions on anything. I feel so very overwhelmed. I love my life and everything about it and I am so blessed and excited for the future, but I presently feel as if my life is a car and the brakes are locked and I have no control over the spinning out of control-ness that is about to occur in front of my very own eyes with my seeing it all happen, feeling it, and being there.
I can't sleep well, can't eat much of anything because my stomach doesn't exactly like food right now, and I look like crap.
After re-reading this it sounds very depressing and I promise, I am not depressed!! I am just so very stressed that I can't contain myself. I don't feel normal, I don't feel like I am representing the true Casey and I have felt this way for a few weeks. So much change is occuring and I apologize if I am making people upset or not acting like myself... I just honestly don't even know what to do.
That's all... I have 2 more classes today and a lot on my mind.