Kis-My-Thought-Of MiNT concert DVD

Jun 22, 2012 09:39

Just wanna say some things I still remember after finishing watching the concert :

1/ My fav. performances are Dancing Star, Love Is You, Sing For You, Tension and the medley after Kickin’ It. There could have been more if the cameraman didn’t ruin the whole show ><

2/ Miyata’s led roller-skates were working fine 0.0 WTH?

4/ Senga was really happy when Tama threw him a banana XD

5/ Kis-My-Girls-Collection is SUPER SUPER SUPER awesome (I didn’t understand a thing but laughed my ass off the whole time) :

- Hiroko’s wig nearly fell out of his her head and she wore the ugliest clothes

- Taichan’s too beautiful I can’t resist although I’m a girl

- Watako could be my grandmom (ah~~ she helped Jr. boys clean up the stage later, so nice of her!)

- Kenko is the cutest girl next door that I’ve ever seen

- Yuko’s the princess

- Takako looks like an alien

- It’s hard to choose whose wig among Hiroko, Watako, Takako and Toshiko is the ugliest.

- Kenko danced like a gorilla (no suprises here) at the end of the contest

- Why do they dare cut the part where Hiroko, Taichan and Yuko imitated the animal’s sound ? X-(

6/ The VTR before Take Over is hilarious :))

7/ Taipi smiled a lot during the concert XD

8/ Miyata’s armpit hair isn’t as gross as I thought XD

9/ Love or lie to be continued ? So we’ll have Love meee version 2 ?

10/ Tama’s epic fail in Good Night (why so clumsy? or you did that on purpose like the previous accident in debut tour huh Tama-chan?)

Kisumai, together with H.O.T are the only two artists that I’ve watched the whole concert without skipping any second. And while I can say the show is awesome yet I have lots of complaints. I decide to hold them back because I don’t want to ruin the hype now, but the main point is that the boys seem not to be well-prepared enough and the cameraman sucks ass X-(

review, daily idol

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