Aug 03, 2002 18:22
Or rather a hard day. But strangely I'm really upbeat and happy. I'm knackered, I made some mistakes (tho' no-one was too worried about them), and nothing I do is exactly brain teasing. Yet I came home contented and ebullient. Maybe it's becuase I filled in the forms that get me paid, maybe it's because the woman I think of as my boss said that the feedback she'd got was very positive about me. Maybe it's because people chat, and ask questions about you. Who knows but I'm happy mode today. I love my job :D
Not sure why red's worried about me, but I guess she could say the same....
Poor bubblegum, I get home to find she's tryin to contact me, hopin I'm online during her last sesh of free internet, and I look, she seems to be online but doesn't answer any IM hails. In fact as far as I'm concerned she's online now....but she must be asleep or have forgotten to log off cos she isn't answering. It's ummmmmmm 4am???? over there.
Z'as all for now