Jul 10, 2002 15:54
Last night finally started feeling the FX of the falling over/crash. I couldn't pull off my t-shirt over my head without my right shoulder hurting. Today much the same. Which made drowsing in bed on my side a non option.
Mum and honorary mum (ex uni mate) both nagging me to go get it checked out by a doctor. But I can't see that it's broken. It's not that painful. And I don't want to waste doctor's time with a strained muscle. I might go to emergency surgery this evening.
Meanwhile in IMland some bloke found out I live in the same rough area of the UK as him (the south east) and decided it would be great to try and get me to meet him. He had no conversational skills I have to tell you and wouldn't take no for an answer. I only continued talking to him out of
1. Politeness I hate being rude
2. Not many people try to flirt with me
But this guy was just dull and irritating. But I managed to quit talking to him before actual rudeness.
In rotaractland, our event's hotting up. We've now got ummm 12 people reserved and 3 paid up - yay!
... !! Shoulder. It's OK mostly. I mean it's OK when I don't move it. Like when I'm typing and when I move it in certain directions.
Anyway that's all my news for today and nothing else is bugging me. I feel strangely blank about Elvis' return home. Neither dread nor delight. She's coming home. Whatever, she can ignore me act like she doesn't care if I'm there in a new location. I don't know about her any more. She gave me this adorable keyring with a tiny tiny tiny bible on it. All there in minature except for psalms... maybe it was a peace offering. Who knows. Maybe she's just chilled...
it evil