A pass in time

Jan 08, 2007 22:33

The lapse in internet has put me at a bit of an impasse. I had a whole ton of things at different times I wanted to write here over the period when i had no internet, and then, when I had it back i was distracted by other things. I even, shock horror, penned a missive in pen and ink which I meant to type up here all about post christmas pounds (on the waist). i don't feel I have the energy now.

My goddaughter is turning into a little girl! When i last saw her in november she was walking strongly but still was baby shaped in her curves, but when I saw her yesterday she was not only bigger she was sort of elongated, with much more little girl proportions. And she had curls! It's nearly real hair! And she was so happy and cheery, a bit shy when she first woke up but after that she was bringing me things and asking me to read and running around happy as ...er... larry. Very cute.

Anyhoo hope all your new years were merry and bright and all.

love QR

goddaughter, it evil

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