Jun 01, 2002 22:36
...your parents have a better social life planned than you do. They're off at the proms in buckingham palace courtesy of rosewood's parents giving them free tickets. Meanwhile, I am at home with vids and internet. Baby bro is downstairs with Uwo's brother playing bloodbowl. Even lil sis at uni is out (I phoned to tell her about us taking her out for lunch tommorow). Mind you she's prob'ly at work in the pub.
Have yet to see Uwo, spoke to her on the phone and she says she's real tired cos of her paperound and her inability to go to bed at a sensible time(before 1am). So she says her sleeping patterns are all for six. Am tempted to believe it, except she's done this before and never been like this. Still it is possible. Maybe she'll come out tommorow or something she said she feels a little better on w/ends. She also sounded grateful for the offer of sanctuary at my place during the day time this week as her dad's on holiday and will pile up chores and generally be under her feet. Maybe she's not avoiding me...maybe...
Z'as about it, bought new sandals, which gave me a blister in less than 20 mins, but that's fair enough for new shoes. They are leather so they should give. Bought Nickelback's you remind me and ms dynamite's it takes more, am minorly regretting it as you know singles, play to death rate is somewhat faster than albums. Want new music! Like a whole album's worth. Sigh.
Was out in the sun today over lunch time - helping out at the donkey derby - cute donkeys sort of racing very very slowly round a small track. Was nice. Me, ben-o, gadget boy (in a rare cameo since leaving singledom) and newbie lass who might be leaving soon. Rotary (who were organising) are a little strange in a conservative oldie kind of way. Was a nice mini fair. Carnival in August'll be better.
Here endeth mouse news.