(no subject)

May 31, 2008 23:09

So while I'm here checking all those damn communities that won't let openid-users give them any love, let me say that if I haven't checked out your lj in the past few weeks it's because 1. I've been moving apartments and 2. I changed my IJ journal from being called greyjoy to being called aearonlinn. (Yeah, LotRo, shut up.) Long story short, it's a quenya issue, and greyjoy was... really just me being pissed 'cause someone already had beaubier. Anyhow, it's still the same place, just got a rename token.

Anyhow, if I add you with the other IJ name, you know who it is now.

And if you're tired of me randomly changing journal names (hey, I didn't REALIZE it'd fuck up my LJ identity with open id! Which in retrospect seems stupid...) and don't want me to see your f-locked entries because of it, I get it. But if you love me in spite of, or maybe even because of my stupid, sweet. See you soon.

Also, I sold a story. But I'll come back here and bother y'all about it when it comes out. Late September, looks like, from Morrigan Books.
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