Where the fuck is my flying car?

Feb 15, 2010 13:39

It's been a full year since the last time I posted, and quite frankly, I was under the full impression that my life would've moved forward from this point. But a year ahead, and I'm still in the exact same place. I was inspired by a friend, so let's get started.

The Year in Review:

Spring to Summer - I did get on amphetamines, due to my shrink's request, and for a while, it seemed that they were working. I had a close group of friends: Johnny, Alexa, Katy, and Jason, that'd I'd hang out with nearly every night or every other night. It was a great group, but all good things must end. Johnny and Jason went back to college, while I, I did as well. I took a few classes over the summer, Ethics and English. My English course was either canceled or I dropped out (I don't really remember at this point), so I was in Ethics. Now that was one of the better decisions in my life. Ethics, though, was a philosophy class. And I loved it. Hell, I'm thinking of being a philosophy major now. I read Kant and Nietzsche. My arguments contain logic rather than unbased assumptions. And to top it off, I met a good friend, a Dominicano from the Bronx by the name of John.

Summer to Fall - I finished my class with flying colors, I had friends, I even got a job. This was probably the best part of the previous year, hell. My old group may've gone to college, but thanks to John, I had a whole new group to chill with. And it was good. I enjoyed my job, at a burger joint called Johnny Rockets, I enjoyed my friends, who were chill and cool. (The fact that John's a New Yorker like myself probably helped immensely.) Life was good, and it only kept getting better. I was still seeing my shrink at that point, and he helped me deal with the minor issues that cropped in life, but I was, as a whole, happy.

Fall to Winter - I started my classes again, determined to make it, not just fuck up like I have the past two semesters. And for a while, I was making it. My classes, my homework, all were good. On the social side of things, I started to get to know Kate, a girl that's fucked with many a guy's life. Not because of what she does, per se, but on the pure fact of what and who she is. But I'm getting ahead of myself. See, around September, it came out that Kate was looking for a new roommate, since the last one bailed. I'd found out a few days previously that I had two grand saved up in a bank account. Two plus two equals four, so I offered to step in. Two grand was just enough to put down a deposit and first month's rent, plus buy myself a moped for transportation. So far, so good. I moved in with Kate and Cindy, and it wasn't so bad. It was awkward at first, getting to know them, and you encounter all those usual hiccups when trying to adjust to new roommates, but it was fun. The apartment was like a designated hangout spot for the Sahara's crew, though considering I had class in the morning, while Kate and Cindy got off of work at four or five AM was kind of annoying. But anyway, I was dealing. However, I started skipping class, and that should have been a warning sign for the incoming fall. I didn't see it, mainly because I'm an enormous idiot, but I had a job that was mostly paying the rent, friends that called me instead of the other way around, and I did try to show up at class. Of course, it wasn't idyllic. A week after I moved in, it came to the fore that Kate was about to lose to lease due a few months of unpaid rent. Well, since I was in a position to help, not to mention I was blinded by hormones and the fact that I didn't want my first time living alone to crash after a few weeks (though in the long run, it turned out that it made little difference), I persuaded my mom to lend Kate seven hundred bucks, with the understanding that she'd get it back within a month or two. That never happened, and I'm amazed that my mom even puts up with my women bullshit, seeing how this is the second girl of mine that I've gotten cash from mom from, only for mom to be screwed out of payback. But I digress. We paid the late fees off, and I was happy. Until, of course, one day. It was Halloween, and my friends Ethan and Bryce invited me down to JMU for the day. Sure, I was cool with that. I had work the next day, but I figured I could make. JMU was, of course, and I probably should have just known it due to my luck, a bust. I got home at noon the next day, and surprisingly, Kate was still awake. I was going to have Ethan and Bryce drop me off at the Barnes and Nobles next to my job and just wait a few hours, but Kate assured me she could handle it at around four. Sure, that sounded better than sitting in a book store for a few hours. Now, I consider myself an intelligent person. And yet, when it comes to patterns in my own life, I'm blissfully unaware. As it turned out, unsurprisingly in retrospect, Kate didn't wake up. In her defense, she's hypoglycemic and has chronic mono, but still. I lost my job that night, since I only managed to make it an hour later than I was supposed to come in. And life pretty much went to shit around that. I scraped together enough dough for the next month, but nothing much happened. My month ran out, and I moved back in my mom in December.

Back to the Now:

I'm still living with my mom, without a job or even education. My plan for this year, was, of course, to find a job, save up a few grand, and move back to the city where I belong, my beautiful, noir, New York. It's been nearly two months since the year started, and I'm still no closer to finding a job, despite a concerted effort to do so. But I have friends, after a fashion. Ethan and Bryce still hang around. Daniel is there for me, always. Vitalic is still in New York, but we talk daily, really. I haven't gotten laid in over a year now, and while twenty-year-old hormones are a powerful thing, it doesn't bother me more than it should. Besides, things are looking up. Ever the optimist, me. But I've a new friend, a kid I met at the apartment who's as close to me personality-wise I've found in Richmond. Aden, a self-styled pickup artist, though the kid isn't cynical enough to be a true player. As for myself, I've found that unless a girl is fucking perfect, I'll barely give her the time of day. While Kate fits the profile, unfortunately, everyone knows this, and I don't do redos on missed opportunities.

It's funny, really. The wheel made a full turn, and despite everything I've gone through, I end up on the same spot, literally and figuratively. But I learned a long time ago to always look forward. Because when I don't have anything else, at least I have that. Hope, baby.

Vaya con dios, and Hail Eris.

nothing's changed, changes, optimism

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