i've been up since before jay's alarm went off at 5:20 this morning, and i can't manage to get back to sleep. i had a dream where i was at a dance, and the cast of 90210 was there, and when i went looking for jay i had to pass a bunch of huge snakes that were cut in half but still functioning. i was trying to move past them unnoticed, to get to the
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I know you miss school, but you wouldn't say that for you made the decision to be with him and that is most important for now... and always. I know how you felt like you were standing still... you always have been one for moving forward onto the next thing not in friendships and such just in doing. You contribute without knowing it so no need to mention that.
And I also know how much you missed your more than perfect jobs, yes they were perfect be happy that you had the chance to experience them, but the position you have now is exactly what you have been waiting for you just didn't know it. Yeah!!!!
I also realize, as do those that know and love you that your emotional being is private and you are not one to complain for attention, unlike others you just sit back and wait for the pieces to fall and fit into place. You never complained then and not now. I also know that I taught you well and showed you how to recognize the attributes of those that like to manipulate situations in their favor…so….You teach this to others it may take time but the light of wisdom will shine…
I also taught you to speak up when something doesn’t fell right…remember what I say it it bothers you and makes you feel uncomfortable… then it’s wrong.
So I stand here now and tell the world that you are the happiest you have ever been, and I know that Jay is as well for he loved and missed you then and now.
I am your mom and I would know if you were in the least bit unhappy, is anyone out there; I know
I know you and love you and have never ever been more proud of you!
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