Your name: Janey
Gender: Female
Age: 21
What's on your mind?: Why am I watching this rubbish movie on Easter Sunday and I really should be getting ready to leave!
Five positive adjectives: Free Spirited, Motherly, Kind, Caring and Eccentric
Five negative adjectives: Bossy, Sarcastic, Impatient, Stubborn and Cynical
What's your best trait?: My friendly nature
And your worst?: I am very very bossy as well as being aloof too.
Dreams & Ambitions: to be a nurse, start a family, get a husband, have some kiddies a dog and a nice house and travel the world
Likes & Hobbies: stars, nature, reading, sports, cinema, singing, dancing, having fun, learning, history, politics, books, libraries, walking.
Dislikes: hmmm rude, crude or impolite humour, pushing in when waiting in line, people speaking or playing music loudly on the bus!!!
Anything else?:
i'm just your average girl. but i'm very quirky, unusual and offbeat. I have a short temper and can be a little off at times if i'm in a mood. if I don't like someone I have to try very very hard to pretend I like them and be polite..I am getting better at this though since I have matured a bit. apart from that i'm quite friendly and enjoy conversations of the random kind. I don't stand up for myself but I stand up for others and am very protective of my younger friends and family...the older friends and family can look after themselves.
I am like a dog and get distracted by the slightest noise. like that dog in Up I have a short attention span and am very flighty and people often take this the wrong way. I can sit with people, get an idea into my head then get up and me it's me just being me but I don't see how others see me and how rude I come across...this gets brought to my attention often..whoops! :D
I come across as quite a ditz as i'm always smiling and laughing and say the most stupid things but i'm well not overly intelligent but i'm smart enough...but I suppose doing Cougar Paws and growling at people for amusement really don't strike the, "whoa this girl is smart" approach
but apart from that malark i'm a loyal person who would bend backwards to listen and offer advice and i'd do almost anything to long as it's within reason. so yeh overall i'm alright. :D
Season: I would have said Winter before but i'm sick fed up of i'm gonna go with Spring! new start and all that malark
Places: London!!
Colors: Blues and Greens
Music: I like ma classical and musicals but I can listen to anything really. 70s brit rock is some of my favs...i'm a british girl at heart!
Introverted or extroverted: i'm a mix of both. depends on my mood but I do swing quite a bit between them
Optimistic or pessimistic: Optimistic
Impulsive or cautious: Impulsive
Mature or immature: Mature, but again can be immature for the sake of fun
Leader or follower: Leader
Lover or fighter: Fighter
Faith or fact: Fact but I like the idea of blind faith... I wish I had the courage to follow something blindly
Your favorite Tarantino film: Inglourious Basterds, Kill Bill, Pulp Fiction
Your least favorite Tarantino film: I've not seen enough to say
Your favorite Tarantino character: Probably all the characters from Inglorious, The Bride, Vince and Jules, Mia.
Your favorite quote from a Tarantino film: Actually, Werner, we're all tickled to here you say that. Frankly, watchin' Donny beat Nazis to death is is the closest we ever get to goin' to the movies.
Same gender stamp, opposite gender stamp, or both?: i'm not bothered, just whatever you think fits best :D
Is there any character you feel is nothing like you?: well i've not seen all the movies so I can't say but I don't think Bill.
Anything else we ought to know?: Thank you very much for your time ladies and gents!