You know what they call a Quarter Pounder with cheese in France?

Mar 03, 2010 18:58


Your name: Tyler
Gender: Physically female, mentally questionable
Age: Nineteen

What's on your mind?: Frustration, annoyance and homicidal feelings towards fellow human beings. And cursing how sore my arms are.



Five positive adjectives: Weird, insane, geeky, curious, intuitive.
Five negative adjectives: Paranoid, bitter, snarky, loner, anxious.

What's your best trait?: My imagination. I don't like to brag *snort* but I know my imagination is superior compared to average person's.
And your worst?: Overthinking. I think things way too much.

Dreams & Ambitions: Becoming a writer/actor/director of horrible B-Class horror movies. Learning German, Russian and Spanish well enough that I actually dare to say I can speak them. Seeing London and New York someday. What comes to my personality, I wish I could grow myself some spine and become tougher as a person, stop bottling up things and just speak my damn mind more often than I do now.
Likes & Hobbies: Movies, food, literature, video games, noses, imagination, flea markets, horror stories, accents, rain, photography, walking, piercings, the color orange, supernatural things, phobias, personality disorders, mental disorders, serial killers, insanity, boxers, shotglasses, Norse mythology, hats, common sense, having a good conversation [not talking].
Dislikes: Homophobes, discrimination, alcohol, children, being/feeling sick, loud people, loudness in general, herd people, pain, throwing up, fainting, lack of sleep, sleeping late, not being listened to, cell phones, heat, being taken for granted, being the center of attention, gossip, when people don't use common sense.

Anything else?: I'm an Analytical Thinker, an INFJ, a terrible geek what comes to movies and just plain weird. I also have a habit of being a bit of a smartass every now and then. Also, because I think other people's opinion matters, according to my friends I have got just the perfect personality to trap my interest for long periods of time, I don't like to tell people everything, I'm addictive and totally someone who walks her own way, totally awesome, real but also kind of reserved and sweet, but totally badass.



Season: Autumn.
Places: My head.
Colors: Orange.
Films: Brokeback Mountain, Inglourious Basterds, The Rocky Horror Picture Show, Sauna, Go, Fight Club, The Boondock Saints, The Blues Brothers, Reservoir Dogs, Sleuth, Shoot 'em Up, Deep Blue Sea, Army of Darkness, The Hard Way, The Blair Witch Project, Dead Silence...
Books: The Shining and Dreamcatcher by Stephen King, Vampire$ by John Steakley, Fight Club by Chuch Palahniuk.



Introverted or extroverted: Introverted, but I can be a little too loud around friends.
Optimistic or pessimistic: Hopeful pessimist.
Impulsive or cautious: Cautiously impulsive.
Mature or immature: Mentally very mature, though I know I come off as a immature person, especially around friends.
Leader or follower: I dislike being responsible for other people's actions and being told what to do, but if I had to choose I'd say a reluctant follower. Or my own leader with zero followers.
Lover or fighter: Since I'm of the caring/despising type, fighter.
Faith or fact: Completely depends on the subject.



Your favorite Tarantino film: Inglourious Basterds. ♥ Reservoir Dogs is an extremely good second though.
Your least favorite Tarantino film: Kill Bills.
Your favorite Tarantino character: Donny Donowitz, but I'm also fond of Mr. Orange/Freddy, Mr. Pink, Aldo and Mr. Blonde/Vic.
Your favorite quote from a Tarantino film: Pretty much the entire scripts of Basterds and Dogs, but "Are you gonna bark all day, little doggy, or are you gonna bite?" was the first one that popped into my head so I'll go with that.



Same gender stamp, opposite gender stamp, or both?: Whichever fits best, I'm all ears. [Though I do have a pretty good hunch of who I'm going to get.]
Is there any character you feel is nothing like you?: Beatrix Kiddo. I am bitter and resentful, but I've never been a fan of revenge.
Anything else we ought to know?: I wished for Eli Roth as a Christmas and birthday present [you can imagine my disappointment when I didn't get him]. Oh, and mods, I screened the votes, I hope that's okay.

Please provide links to 3 applications you've recently voted on!
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stamped: mr pink

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