Nov 21, 2011 22:19
My Madrigal this event started with me being in Colorado for 3 days for a work-related conference that lasted into Friday. Which meant that I needed to pack a week before my Madrigal event and had given nearly all my costuming/props to Torrin to bring on Friday evening. Though I had arranged to arrive Saturday morning, I found myself with enough energy to drive to my place from Providence, pack a few more things, and then drive the hour to the Madrigal site by 1 AM. Unloaded. Contemplated Saturday morning. Went to sleep.
Saturday morning I worked with Dave, Torrin and a few NPCs to set up the Twin Peaks / Path of Erionth Mod. We had the Mylar-of-Awesome and other things to dress (once more) the setting of the grove. And thanks to some last-minute "bring this, I'll do that" we solidified an awesome experience for the PCs, which included me spewing Fire everywhere as a part of the Pale Wonder. I've been told I was incredibly awesome for arranging the Vision of the Path of Erionth. I wish I could have watched the PC's tear up for all their joy, and the awesome feedback I've been given is what I was hoping for.
Playing Crazy! Torrin asked me to play a mentally-broken former inquisitor. I am going on a bit of a tangent, but I have always given a WIDE WIDE berth to NPCs who play top-of-the-lungs PAY ATTENTION TO ME!!!!, high-energy lunatics. So I played a crazy person that I as a PC could handle: Quiet. Mono-syllabic, and with an NPC keeper that would steer me away from the edges of disaster long enough to have simple but meaningful interactions with PCs. LOVED that when my character witnessed a PC passing another PC a pair of manacles I absolutely bolted at the very site of them, muttering "NO! No! No!"
Eluviar stuff. It's one my staff passions. I have an NPC that liaises with Shadowfane and I enjoy coming out as her. I am always impressed that no matter now mundane the task, if it's Eluviar related, Lucius is there to support!
Ancient Enemy fight! By Rob's request, I coordinated the Unicorn effect of the AoE fight. My NPCs did fantastic!
Mages stuff: "Password, please!" Loved having the time to be a bit creative with an encounter for the PCs. Thought the Trial of Winifred was pretty great, especially since it went back-to-back with the encounter.
Ranger stuff??? Sadly, with my business trip and the other stuff I committed to, I didn't get to run White Court Ranger things as Argent. Next time, my darlings! I have an idea in the kettle!