Mar 22, 2011 11:07
This morning I strapped on the sneakers to do the first of three runs on Week 3 of the "Couch to 5K" training plan.
For the past two weeks, the length of the run intervals has only been 90 seconds each. In Week 3, they are bumped up to 3 minutes. I knew that I could and have jogged three minutes before, but I think the fact that I was now "trained" Pavlovian style to do 90 second runs gave me a psychological hurdle that I needed to overcome. And I did!
Besides a little soreness in a muscle near my hip after the run, my left ankle has been twinging a little bit on my runs. It's not enough for me to stop training to tend; it's probably an old injury from somewhere.
Though I am now officially a "runner", I don't think I'll ever become one of those folks that starts training to run half and full marathons; that just seems like too much for me to want to put myself through. But I can see myself running 5ks regularly as an overall fitness plan, concentrating on better times.
One last thing. I have been mixing my own cued music for my runs since Week 2. Week 3's theme kinda took a Halloween flavor: zombies and werewolves and ghosts! If you want a copy of my .mp3s to use for your own training, I'll send you to the link where I have them online.