First Sunday...

Nov 29, 2020 16:22

Advent, my favorite season of the year, started today. Fittingly enough, I had a technician come and adjust the action of the still needs tuning but once I get some batteries for the tuner that should be relatively easy. After having this little 1729 Goujon bentside copy for 4 years, I am finally making time to start practicing again.
Just back from a walk up our very steeply sloping road where we, as usual, collected lots of miniature liquor bottles (tossed by local alcoholics in their cars, trying not to be discovered) and added to our hoard of pinecones (the best firelighters there are).
Last of the turkey tonight until it reappears as Tetrazzini in a few weeks. First of the mincemeat tarts with this year's mincemeat (actually Nigella Lawson's quincemeat for a change).
Lighten our darkness.
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