Fly by Recs

Feb 27, 2009 08:55

Just a couple things I like...

first, the funny

When You Think He's Half Asleep by teand
Dean as a cat.  Not a cutesy, "let me rub against your legs, Sam," feline transformation.  Dean is pure tomcat.  Purrrfection.

And Rush by linniemac
A nice, involved casefile, with stellar research and a nice style, that's still posting, but is finished, so, no worries, wip chickens.  Some seriously creepy parts, good scares, hurt and limping Dean, with added Sam bashing.  It's categorized as het, but, while there are to be het elements, this isn't a love story.  It's a ghost story. This story needs some LOVE, gen people...get over there and give it some.

I have the day off!!  There will be vacuuming.  And dusting.  And grumbling about the finale of Top Chef.
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