Happy Birthday, Lemmypie

Feb 08, 2007 06:56

It's the birthday of the wonderful, talented, Lemmypie, and in honor of her natal day, I present her with an extremely foul-mouthed Dean Winchester, restrained, as per her request...Here is, THE GIFT

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Comments 20

lemmypie February 8 2007, 21:24:35 UTC
Best. Fucking. Birthday. EVER!!!!

OMG! All my dreams and hopes and wishes have been wrapped up in this CRACK!
I love you and all your words and my god, you are twisted in a way that makes me want to, well makes me want to..... Wear a tiara!
Thank you!
Thank you!
Thank you!


quellefromage February 9 2007, 01:45:26 UTC
Hee. Hope your birthday is wonderful. Grab some chocolate, slip into your tiara, and enjoy the boys tonight...best birthday ever, indeed.




lemmypie February 8 2007, 21:31:40 UTC
You know something this didn't show up on my friends page? Why were the birthday gods hiding this from me? That is just cruel I tell you CRUEL!
Thank Big Pink for slapping me upside the head and saying. "You stoopid girl go look at Cheese Girl (cause that's what I call you when you are not looking) has done for you, he has created a masterpiece to end all master pieces and there is a dildo too!" I'm actually quoting her here.


big_pink February 8 2007, 22:01:30 UTC
I did not use the word dildo. That's you letting your imagination run away with you again. Fucking clients! Jesus it's five! I want a beer! I don't WANT TO PREPARE A DESIGN BRIEF for you fuckers. I'M PAYING YOU, DESIGNERS. And I want a beer. Grrrrrrr.

Oh, and B: I don't think Tesla's actually buried there, but he's some weird, what with the number 3 and blinding flashes of VISIONS and the metal band named after him. It's fulminating somewhere in the inner recesses of my...why does everything I write sound dirty now?


roque_clasique January 2 2009, 22:02:58 UTC
“You owe me shoes. And jeans. And years of therapy…”



quellefromage January 3 2009, 18:48:20 UTC
Awww boys. Always with the therapy. Again, thanks for reading and inspiring me to get off my butt and put this stuff where I can find it.


suzmc January 6 2009, 01:28:23 UTC
popefucker! You are so going to Hell. LOLOLOL!


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