Continuum- Awesome. Bought Pandemic, walked ten yard to a table, played it, walked back to buy the expansion. Good talks and RP all round. I got to be Captain Scarlet. Ran Sorcerer's Symposium to mostly the Warwick crowd, but it went well. Also played Dead of Night, which was boss, a living Traveller game, also boss, and Monkey, which was almost as much mayhem as games I run.
Ring of Changes- Proceeding apace. Still got to finish writing the GM chapter, looks like I won't have time to rustle up pictures for the main text but it's looking to be 100 pages when it's done, so that'll be the second one I can have perfect bound. A slightly out-of-date draft is
The playtest of Ring of Changes went almost alarmingly well. The mechanics were pretty bullet-proof and the made-up-on-the-spot plot went well. The character generation proved to be more in-depth than I expected, but the upshot was that there were some solid character relationships right off the bat. There was a daring dirigible raid across the border to stop some terrorists, and a villain setting nine chimera on the party and catching a mortar shell in the palm of his hand.
(For those who might not have been paying attention, Ring of Changes is the RPG I'm writing heavily inspired by FullMetal Alchemist. I plan on promoting it on the Amecon forum when it's done.)
Life in general is clipping along. Sleep patterns still all out of whack, but still.
purposiveness is running Apocalypse World via IRC, and that's a game that's sharp as knives and twice a beautiful.