Jun 17, 2008 09:31
I should start by saying that I'm so very proud of all the couples and individuals in California who have fought the long hard battle to ensure that marriage is a right that all couples can enjoy. It's my hope that one day in my life-time we'll see it across the nation, and that this debate will seem so un-evolved.
That being said, while scrolling through some of the pictures taken yesterday of the ceremonies I was struck by one thing in the captions above all else. All of them described "gay wedding ceremonies" "same-sex marriage applications", etc... Why can't we just say "weddings", "marriage applications". I know that it's the shock factor. I know that it's the novelty, but it bugs me so much so, that I had to stop reading the captions. It's that continued sense of "otherness" and it feels icky.
I don't want a "special" designation on my marriage...I want a marriage.
Just my two cents.