A couple of things

May 20, 2008 13:34

So I know that I don’t really write here anymore. Most of that is because I spend so much time on the interweb for work that doing anything besides work things just doesn’t happen.

Nia sent a review that Chris (from qzap.org) wrote about the Borderlands Zine. There’s a really nice mini review of the piece that I wrote for that zine. Check it out:

“Shannon Perez-Darby, a MXD alum, brilliantly explores the intersection of
sexual identity, classism, racism, body politics, and alcoholism in a
mixed Latino family. Her deeply personal story illustrates an underlying
theme common to mixed race stories. Brokering use of privilege takes trial
and error, with the danger that someone, somewhere at any time can
thoroughly disagree with you and seek to cancel you out. I encourage all
who desire to move beyond the toxic legacy of racism, and who wish to stop
isolating mixed race people through inappropriate questions and awkward
situations, to not only read these stories but act upon them. There’s a
way to build a greater queer community based on all the good things people
can bring to the table from their life stories, cultural heritage, and
spiritual rituals. Together we can activate the transcendence from pain to
find power to craft meaningful identities."

No one I’m not friends with has ever reviewed anything I’ve written before, its nice.

Danny and I went to The Harrison Hot springs in British Columbia. It was magical and I really really enjoyed it. For anyone in the Pacific Northwest I totally recommend it. It was magical.

Also I’m going to be in Denver May 30th - June 1st. I’m staying with Anna and Kelly and I’m really excited about it. I’m also looking for a ride from the airport on Friday May 30 around 3pm if anyone is able to pick me up. Thanks!
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