Title: Sweeter than Heaven, hotter than Hell
queerly_it_isPairings: Jared/Jensen, background Misha/Genevieve
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Explicit sexual content, religious themes, minor character death
Word Count: 24k
Disclaimer: I own nothing and no one mentioned here, and I make no profit.
Summary: For thousands of years, Jared and Jensen have been on Earth, respectively influencing mankind on behalf of Heaven and Hell. When Jared disappears, and Jensen's superiors attempt to draft him for the final battle that will bring about Armageddon, they both have to decide where their loyalties lie; to their cause or to each other.
Author’s Notes: Written for
spn_reversebang. Inspired by an art prompt by the eternally amazing
mashimero, who has done outstanding art for this story that you should all check out from the link below. Some elements borrowed with the utmost humility from Sandman, Good Omens, and Constantine. Unending thanks to
itsathinline_ff for betaing incredibly well and at the final hour. Much love to the
spn_reversebang mods for all their hard work in running this challenge.
Part 1 |
Part 2 |
Part 3 Art Masterpost Read at AO3