Hello all,
I am writing my master's thesis on Michael Cunningham, and to make the thesis as good as possible, I am desperately looking for this article:
Author: Jarraway, David R. Year: 1996. Title: “’The Novel That Took the Place of a Poem’. Wallace Stevens and Queer Discourse.” The article has been published in English Studies in Canada, 22 (4), pages 377-397. Does anyone happen to have it or could anyone find it in a library nearby? If yes, please comment on this and I'll give my e-mail address for further details. Thank you!
As this is my first post here, a short introduction could be useful : ) I live in Finland, Europe, and study comparative literature in the university of Jyvaskyla. I am 26 years of age and female or undecided of gender. Besides Cunningham, my favourite queer writers include for example Jeanette Winterson and a Finnish lesbian fiction writer Pirkko Saisio. If anyone is interested in learning a little about Finnish queer literature, a short overview is
here. The website
http://www.glbtq.com is an interesting one in general, too!