Sep 01, 2005 17:34
I giving a cry for help, and hopefully someone will hear me. i dont know how many people have been looking at the news, but the whole area of new orleans is devestated. my home may be the only one of the bunch of us people staying here (meaning me and the three other people im living with) that has made it without damage. they just recently stated that they are moving the people from the eastbank to the westbank, the highest ground in the area. there is no flooding there, but on the eastbank they were having problems with looting. we cant go home for atleast another month, and im sure that what is left will probably not be there by that time due to looting. my girlfriend, her friend and house-mate, and his girlfriend were from chalmette. this is st. bernard parish. that is all under 18' of water. there has been nothing officially said, but from the mouth of an EMT that stayed, "there are atleast 200 bodies floating around the parish." they cant pump the water out until they repair the levees that have broken, and the ones that are beginning to break, one of which is 500 feet wide. we have nothing here for us, and we have nothing to go back to. we have someplace to stay, but the money supply is short. We have been asked to get jobs, and are looking for alternate places for more permanent living. we are currently staying on the floor of my grandfather's living room.
We would appreciate anything anyone can give us; prayer, clothing, money, anything. I only ask because I know all of you guys are a great bunch. If anyone wants to get together and meet, I'm staying on the outskirts of Houston. We have a car, that by the grace of god, made it this far, but can't handle anything not local. Email me at for information on how to send things.
Again, anything is appreciated, and I hope everyone else who was affected by the storm is ok, and in a better condition than we are.