Transevent 2010: The Empire Conference is coming to Albany, NY, May 20-22, 2010, at the fabulous Crowne Plaza Hotel and is looking for quality program and workshop presenters. We welcome all progam and workshop ideas, and are very interested in having these topics addressed:
* Health, medical, legal and societal concerns for both FTM and MTF persons
* Relationships - for Trans people with and without partners, SOs, and couples
* Discussions of Trans people issues in the family, at the work place, and in public
* Issues concerning spirituality and religion
* Developing skills for Trans people in being comfortable in appearance, speech and behaviour
* The program committee is especially open to new ideas, new topics, and new faces!
You can read more about the EMPIRE CONFERENCE, Transeventsusa, and find the PRESENTER FORM and suggestions at our website: Proposals for programs and workshops must be in before 15 December.