Sep 30, 2007 19:34
ugh. i spent 2.5 hours fixing my interview tape that snapped off the real today. i thought i was going to cry. it's an awesome interview and i don't think I could have convinced my participant to do it again, and it might not have been as good...and too rehersed. anyway, i had to tear apart the cassette and pull the tape out, cut off another tape and scotch tape the recording onto the other tape, and reel it with a pencil onto the new one. i don't even know if that makes sense. but the fucking thing snapped again half way through the process becaue it keep twisting and bunching. so part way through the interview will be a blank spot where I had to use scotch tape again. now i'm transcribbing. it's working so far. my girlfriend went out an bought me a didgital recorder. i should have bought one to begin with.