Jul 13, 2005 00:44
T_T i was wanting to pierce something but i needed some body jewelry right? so i went to walmart. left about 9:55 pm right? i got there, found the ones i wanted. went to find someone to open the case for me. and they were like, it's closed. i was like whut the hell this is a 24 hour walmart right? and they was like yeah, and told me to ask her, and pointed at some grumpy looking bitch. i was like, i wanted to buy some jewelry. and she asked me where, and i told her in one of the cases. and she told me the keys are locked ina safe from 10pm - 7am. i was like. w.t.f. it was 10:05 when i got there. WHO THE FUCK LOCKS UP BODY JEWELRY? WHUT THE HELL? T_T ugh. shyt like this leads me to whiny rants, how sad. :| ima try to pierce my tongue or something, if i bleed to death, i'll have someone let you all know