Aug 10, 2007 19:48
Call me cynical- go ahead.
I don't get it. Call me crazy, I could be missing something.
Lesbian speed datIng- aka the U-Haul syndroMe. Does the relatIonShip ever really work? The Speed I am talking about is being in a comitted relationship, saYing thOse three words all within a short period of time- sUch as a week or two. I know there are the stories once in a great while about two people getting married after the second date and living to tell an epic love story. I'd say MOST of the time the fairy tale of comitting after the second date rarely has a happy ending.
What is it with people moving at the speed of light when it comes to dating/relationships? Is it necessary? Life is a marathon, not a sprint...
I'll continue with lesbian "dating" which almost seems like a lost art. I realize with women there are a lot of emotions that automatically come into play. There's so much I want to say on this topic...
Maybe the fantasy of romance and living happily ever after that the media has shoved down our throats is detrimental. Go figure. Maybe loving someone does take time.
I've never seen a relationship work that was started after a week of knowing the person. Do people think THEY are the exception? Can you really love someone with out fighting with them? Lesbians fall in and out of love so fast it makes my head spin. Are matching tats REALLY a good idea?
The breakups are more dramatic than a soap opera- yet they have the same elements. The back stabbing, the tears, stalking, adultery, making a public spectacle of the break up- like anyone wants to witness someone else's breakup while they are TRYING to enjoy a margarita. Friends are asked to choose sides- and which ever side you don't choose- be prepared to be moved off the person's top 24 on myspace.
Confession: I've never been in love. Don't feel sorry for me- it will happen when it happens. My view- falling in love takes time. I'd say it takes longer than drinking a few beers.
Wow. Wow. Wow. Amazing.