Artists Claims are Open!

Sep 03, 2014 03:14

We have three submissions open for artist claims. If you have sent me a story and I overlooked it, please message me and I'll fix that.

Fic 1:
Fandom: The Move RPF AU
Pairing: FtM!Bev Bevan/FtM!Ace Kefford/Carl Wayne
Title: Killing Yourself To Live
Rating: Mature/Explicit
Warnings: consensual underage sexual situations, childhood trauma and abuse, mental illness (depression, suicidal thoughts, paranoia, psychosis?), self-harming/self-injury, body dysphoria
Summary: Ace knew he was male from the time he could form thoughts, but the fight to live the way he wants comes at a heavy cost. When Bev lost his dad, it offered an opportunity to transition that he may not get again. They meet at the Pie Stand one night after a gig, neither are aware of how important their relationship will ultimately become as they fight to establish their place in the world.

Fic 2:
Fandom: Original
Pairing: Ivy/Gina
Title: Red
Rating: R
Warnings: murder, assault, violence, background attempts at genocide
Summary: Two women meet on a path in a dark wood, and feel an instant attraction. One is a shapeshifter and the other an ordinary girl; one knows her preferences and the other is surprised. Still, their attraction may lead to love-- if the huntsman doesn't get them first. A lesbian retelling of Little Red Riding Hood.

Fic 3:
Fandom: Leverage
Pairing: Nate/Sophie/Eliot
Title: Undesirable Desires
Rating: NC-17 (explicit)
Warnings: Compulsive sexual behaviors, discussion of past sex work, active alcoholism
Summary: Nate's fetish has always been his most closely guarded secret. But when Sophie discovers that something is very wrong with their sex lives, Nate must face his fears or lose his relationships. Nate struggles to trust Eliot with the same-sex desires and deviant, compulsive behaviors that the Church could never condone.

Artists: Please message boundsofdecency to claim your works. Here's some of the info from the FAQ about claims:

Can I claim more than one fic for art?
Yes, but you need to finish your first claim before you can claim the second.

Can more than one artist claim the same fic?
Yes, but only once every fic has already been claimed once.

If I'm already writing a story, can I also create art? Can I do more than one art submission?
Absolutely, as long as you're not claiming your own story. Multiple art submissions cannot be for the same fic and you can only do one at a time. So, if you claimed fic 21 for a mix, you need to finish that mix before you can claim fic 16 for art.

If I've made my own art/soundtrack for my story, can I include it?
Absolutely. Your fic or podfic can be accompanied by as much of your own art in as many styles as you like.

How do I contact the mod?
Send a message to boundsofdecency

*check-point, *mod, *claims

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