Round 3 Sign-ups are Open!

Feb 07, 2014 23:39

Welcome to the Queer Big Bang Challenge!

The challenge is for writers to at write least 10,000 words for a novella in whatever fandom, crossover, or original fiction setting you like. Your work has to deal with the experience of being non-heterosexual and/or non-cisgender.

This is a multimedia challenge. We allow a large variety of media, even in the "author" (write 10,000+ words) section of the challenge. If you have a favorite style of work that takes at least as much time and effort as writing a 10,000+ word fic, we're open to it.

After the authors have worked their magic, the artists will then create fanworks of various kinds to go with each story.

Where do I sign up?
Queer Big Bang - Round 3 Sign-up Form

February 8 - All sign-ups open
May 1-15 - Authors' mandatory halfway checkpoint
July 31 - All sign-ups close
August 1 - Authors' rough drafts due
August 3 - Artists' claims open
August 10 - Artists' second round of claims
September 1 - Authors' final work due/Artists' rough drafts due
September 15 - Artists' final art due
September 15-30 - Posting dates

What types of works are allowed?

Any fanworks or original fiction that deal with the experience of being queer. For the purpose of this challenge, that's anyone who is non-heterosexual and/or non-cisgender:

* lesbian
* gay
* bisexual
* pansexual
* asexual
* transgender
* intersex
* genderqueer

Alternately, your work can explore what it would be like for your characters to live in a culture that has different attitudes about non-heterosexual and/or non-cisgender people.

Themes can include:

* coming out
* figuring out sexual orientation or gender identity
* settling into your first non-heterosexual relationship
* figuring out your place in the LGBT community
* the politics or social structures involving queer individuals in fictional worlds
* dealing with prejudice
* ...and much more

Being queer is just a part of who you are and it's not always a defining feature. Anything to do with the experience of being queer counts, including an outsider's point of view. As long as at least one of the characters is queer and their being queer defines/affects the plot in a major way it counts.

If you think your idea might match but you're not sure, ask! The mod will probably happily make an exception.

All fandoms, crossovers, and original fiction is allowed, including RPF.

The "author" section is the part where a writer would write 10,000+ original words, but that doesn't mean it's restricted to writers. If you have a favorite style of work that takes a lot of time and effort, we're open to accepting it. The catch? You need to help us figure out how to measure that the "author" (or artist, of course) has put in the same amount of work and effort as one of our 10,000+ word writers does.

What we don't allow are situations where characters can't consent. That means no fic involving an adult having sex with an underage character. (Also, no fic where two underage characters are having sex, not because of lack of consent, but because most readers aren't underage.)

Information for Authors

The requirements:

Writers must create 10,000+ new words toward a novella for this challenge. WIPs are fine but you must add 10,000+ new words after the date you sign up.

As noted in the section, "What types of works are allowed?" we allow other fanworks for the "author" section of the challenge as well. Please contact the mod to discuss length requirements. For the multimedia works we already have length requirements on, we're open for suggestions on fine-tuning the way lengths are measured.

Podfic authors don't need to write new material for the challenge or use things they have written themselves. The requirement is that the podfic itself must include 10,000+ words of fiction.

Co-writing is fine. Writing more than one story is fine. Co-writing and writing a fic on your own is also fine. Just don't take on more than you can handle!

The rough draft you send in on August 1 does not have to be finished or polished or betaed. It just needs to be over 10,000 words (or, for WIP authors, 10,000 more words) and finished enough that your artist knows what happens in the story. (If you're doing a different fanwork than writing, your rough draft needs to be the minimum length for that fanwork.)

When you send in your rough draft, you will be given a form to fill out so that the artists can choose their claims.

If you want to specify what kind of fanworks you want to receive from an artist (for example, images only) you’re welcome to do so but you might find it harder to match up with an artist.

Once you send in your final draft, you will be given an assigned posting date. The mod will help you coordinate with your artist so that their art is posted alongside your work.

Information for Artists

We’re open to all sorts of artistic works. If you have any questions on whether your idea will work or what the requirements are, please ask the mod.

On the sign-up form, it asks you to list the kinds of art you might be interested in making. (Examples: drawings, photomanips, picspams, icons, vids, mixes, podfic…) This is so that I can make a list of the art that might be available. It’s so that, when the authors submit their rough draft, they can list their favorite art styles and the styles they’d rather not receive.

Graphic arts can be in any medium. You can sketch, you can paint, you can make a manip, you can combine all of these things. No limits on size, just make sure it's postable.

Mixes should have a minimum of 10 songs. If you've got personal hosting space, you can upload your mix there, but otherwise please upload them onto Sendspace or You can upload your mix as a zip or as individual songs. That being said a lot of hosting locations have started scanning for song titles, so please test your links before posting to the comm.

Vids can be posted to YouTube, and if we have participants who live in countries which can’t access YouTube, you may need to post to Vimeo as well.

Once the author sends in their final draft, you will be given an assigned posting date. The mod will help you coordinate with your author so that their work is posted alongside your art.

Author and Artist FAQ

What are the rules about posting my entries on other sites?
You can't post any of your work to any other site (including your journal) before your posting date for this challenge. If you're a WIP author, that means you have to stop posting your WIP the day you sign up. After your work has been posted here, you're welcome to post it anywhere you like.

But there is an exception: you're allowed to post snippets, summaries, etc. If you do, please consider also posting it here. We encourage people to discuss how the process of writing is going, and that means you're welcome to post snippets and such to the community.

Can I claim more than one fic for art?
Yes, but you need to finish your first claim before you can claim the second.

Can more than one artist claim the same fic?
Yes, but only once every fic has already been claimed once.

If I'm already writing a story, can I also create art? Can I do more than one art submission?
Absolutely, as long as you're not claiming your own story. Multiple art submissions cannot be for the same fic and you can only do one at a time. So, if you claimed fic 21 for a mix, you need to finish that mix before you can claim fic 16 for art.

How do we post our works?
A posting FAQ will appear closer to the posting deadline. Please ask the mod if you need to know anything before then.

Can my fic be the sequel to something else I've written?
Yes. The first work needs to be in a public location (not a locked journal) so that everyone can enjoy both the first work and the sequel.

If I've made my own art/soundtrack for my story, can I include it?
Absolutely. Your fic or podfic can be accompanied by as much of your own art in as many styles as you like.

What if I need to drop out?
Please let us know as soon as you can, and if at all possible please drop out before you are matched with a writer/artist.

Which site should I use, Dreamwidth or LiveJournal?
Choose the one that you like best. The master post will be written up as works are posted, so the link to your work will appear on the other site very quickly, probably within a day.

What else do I need to know?
Feedback isn't optional for the person who you're matched up with. You're expected to comment on their work, even if it's just to say thanks. Commenting on other authors' and artists' works is love, so please be generous and comment on anything you read/view and enjoy.

How do I contact the mod?
Send a message to boundsofdecency


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