"Feed the Muse" Suggestion Drive

Feb 05, 2014 23:50

Round 2's FAQ had a list of example themes for this challenge. Let's come up with an even bigger list. Some of your suggestions will end up in future rounds' FAQs.

Guidelines are, it needs to be something that's general to several different fandoms, not just one particular fandom. But it can be specific to one orientation or expression.

I've been updating the community's profile, so check out the new definition of what is and isn't queer. (Hint: the list of what's included is quite a bit longer.)

Edit: the community's definition of 'queer' is currently up for discussion in a different post, so keep that in mind with this thread.

Here's what we've got for theme suggestions, so far...

* Coming out

* Figuring out your sexual orientation or gender identity

* Settling into your first non-heterosexual relationship

* Figuring out your place in the LGBT community

* The politics or social structures involving queer individuals in fictional worlds

* Dealing with prejudice


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