Whew! I'm back! My friend's wedding went very well. No major catastrophies, which I consider very hard to aviod at weddings, so Yeeeeah! My family has been here and left already. It was so good to see them and not nearly as hard as I thought it would be. I went from seeing them at LEAST once a week to not having seen them once since October! I thought it would be really hard to say goodbye, but it hadn't felt like it had been that long. Don't get me wrong, I miss them terribly, but I'm much better than I would have suspected.
While my little brother was here I *cough* "borrowed" some of his CDs to put on my computer. I am soooo in love with Guster right now. Currently listening to the 'Lost and Gone Forever' album, soooooooooo good!
So, I have barely been using LJ for two months and after being gone a week and a half it is taking me forever to catch up with my back-posts on my friends list. How do people do this when I know others must have WAY more friends they watch then I do!?
On the funny-I-should-be-sleeping-right-now note, I just about bust a gut when I did this Dance the Night Away