Thumb and a blanket

Jul 08, 2007 23:07

Wow. I've been such a slacker. Can't go a whole weekend without posting a wackadoo theory, can I? That would be wrong. Let's see... The new theme park will sell "Cornelius fudge" in Honeyduke's candy shop.

No? Not buying it? Fine. How 'bout this:

In a recent interview, JKR confirmed whether or not the last word of Deathly Hallows is still "scar."

It's not.

Which is being lamented as destroying our chance to guess the last sentence of the series, but I'm still sticking with the general concept I developed back when the last word was scar.

Harry will defeat Voldemort, blah, blah, blah. Snape will prove himself good and die, yadda, yadda, yadda. Then there's the epilogue, where we learn what Harry has for breakfast every day for the rest of his life. (That's a joke, of course. I hope the epilogue's not that specific, or I will be somewhat frightened.)

But I think the actual very end of the book will involve Harry going back to the Room of Requirement to retrieve his Potions book. That lovely, light-filled, cathedral-like version of the RoR seems as good a place to wrap this story up as any. And there, through some awesome bit of Dumbledory awesomeness, he will also find the Mirror of Erised. And if his friends are with him, he will see them reflected behind him like he saw his family in the first book. Though that part's completely optional, because if he's surrounded by The Good Guys in that scene in the American cover, that gets the same point across. Why does everyone always think those shadowy figures have to be Death Eaters or Dementors or shades of the dead? But I digress. The main point is, Harry will look in the mirror, and see himself exactly as he is. He will look just like his father, but he'll have his mother's eyes, and on his forehead will be a lightning-shaped scar.

Except not quite that, because the last word's not scar anymore.

And even though my personal tendency would be to find some reason to get his feet wet so his reflection could then hold up a pair of dry socks, I think I can get on board with Harry being the happiest person in the world for at least a little while. (Come on, it's going to happen. That mirror's just lurking offstage. Resistance is futile.) I mean, he's at the point where he just wants to take out Voldemort. I don't think the second Voldemort's vanquished Harry's gonna realize his new greatest desire is to own a speedboat. And I don't think the fact that he's lost people he loved means he's now out of the running for happiest person. If that's the case, the human race is more or less doomed to misery, isn't it? So save the cheerleader, save the world let the kid be happy, and let all of us who've followed him be happy.

I say this knowing full well that I will be bawling, but all the same.

Here's to happy endings.

[Full disclosure: This entry has been edited because I spaced out on which shopping district was being built at the theme park.]

art, room of requirement, erised, the end, scar, theories

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