I'm just connecting the dots. Unless they're not dots at all.

Mar 10, 2007 22:52

Part of another post at hpprogs.

Crazy thought with the watch / DoM thing that occured to me after mentioning the possible connection… If Dumbledore used to work at the DoM (it does seem like he was a scientist/researcher at some point in the past), the watch could somehow be a tool for navigating the crazy spinny-room system (since Unspeakables had to have a better way to do that than the kids did). So when Dumbledore was checking his watch at the start of Philosopher’s/Sorcerer’s Stone, he was actually checking Hagrid’s progess in relation to something he had sent him to the DoM to do. Like go get a Time-Turner (since we now know that was where the Ministry stored them), and skip ahead in time with baby Harry, rather than spending the day hiding out while Dumbledore got things under control (hence the famous “missing day”). And since baby Harry skipped ahead about a day in time and has only ever gone back in time for a few hours since then, he won’t technically turn 17 until some time during the first day of August. So in the event that the Dark Lord attacks Harry at Privet Drive “as the seventh month dies,” Harry will still have a few hours of protection left.

Like I said, crazy. This is just the type of weird little theory-spasm I get sometimes.

I need to remember to save the brain melts for here, but too late on that one. It obviously cropped up as a result of my past speculations on Dumbledore's watch and the missing day.

And even though I do think it's on the crazy side, I can't help but like it. Especially the part about Dumbledore checking his weird watch and knowing Hagrid was late because the watch relates to the DoM and that was where he had sent Hagrid. (And the possibility that Hagrid took baby Harry there after Godric's Hollow is extra-fun when you consider that my brain is also developing a "there was a Ministry conspiracy that led back to the DoM" theory.)

I've never been totally sure if the "Harry's true age" thing is remotely useful, though. That requires a very specific way of counting age... But then again, it could work because how else can the magic protecting Harry at the Dursleys know to stop working unless it knows his precise age? It still requires a reason for Harry to be at the Dursleys that late in the summer, though. That could be tricky.

ministry, time travel, missing day, privet drive, theories, dumbledore, department of mysteries, watch

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