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Aug 22, 2009 21:19

Name/Alias: Tremaine aka Tre
Journal: shidoikarji26
IM: stunnercity
E-MAIL: enocrine8@yahoo.com

CHARACTER NAME: Monet St. Croix aka M
FANDOM: Marvel 616
CHRONOLOGY: Generation X through X-Factor vol 3 #47
BACKGROUND: Monet St. Croix, the eldest and most favored child of the wealthy ambassador, Cartier St. Croix, was raised along with her siblings in a lavish lifestyle in Monaco, where they each grew accustomed to the finer things that money could buy. Like Monet, her three siblings all developed mutant abilities. However, the mutant power of her only bother, Marius, manifested into something like that of a vampire, causing him to feed on the bone marrow of other mutant's. With his own mother as his first victim, Marius St. Croix turned to dark magic and took on the name Emplate. After an inter-dimensional expedition birthed a desire to rule, he invited Monet to stand by his side in his quest. When Monet callously rejected and ridiculed his offer, he trapped her in the red skinned, mute body of Penance. Her younger twin sisters, Nicole and Claudette, walked into the room to check on the strange noises coming from Monet's room only to find Emplate and Penance. Being no more than eight and fearing that their brother killed their sister, the twin sisters used their own mutant powers to banish Marius by teleporting him into another dimension. Knowing that only Emplate could free her, Monet quickly followed him. The twins wanted to spare the father the loss of his favorite child so they merged with each other and began to impersonate Monet.

The twins, or the M Twins as they were later dubbed, were at some point mentored by the Aboriginal mutant Gateway before they were taken by the alien Phalanx, along with a number of other mutants. Still posing as their sister, the two young girls continued to perfectly imitate Monet when they joined their fellow captives as founding members of the mutant youth group Generation X.

Their facade would be challenged during the team's encounter with Emplate which caused headmistress Emma Frost to grow tired of "M"'s secrets. Emma Frost tried to use her masterful telepathic abilities to pry into the girls' mind, but they were capable of repelling her intrusions.

After a run in with Bastion and the forces of Operation: Zero Tolerance the twins' facade would come to an end. Following a fierce explosion that buried "M" underneath a destroyed building, the twins emerged from underneath the rubble as two separate entities. The M-Twins then fell into a coma where their older sister (still trapped in the Penance form) would watch over them as they recovered.

During this time, Emplate reemerged hoping to recapture all three of his sisters. The sound of his voice awakened the twins from their coma and they once again merged into "M" and then also merged with Emplate. The twins then used their telepathic powers to find out how he escaped the dimension they put him in, as well as the true fate of their sister Monet. Emplate tried to take control of their gestalt form, but the twins broke free of Emplate after they were caught in another explosion.

The twins then relayed their story to the rest of Generation X and used their powers to free the real Monet from Penance's body. As a result the twins became trapped in Penance's form before being freed shortly after.

Learning that his children were alive and well, Monet's father, ambassador Cartier St. Croix, hurried to the school to see the children he thought he had lost. He quickly pulled the three girls from the school and transferred Monet to an academy in the Swiss mountains.

There she discovered that her headmaster was in fact a vampire and had been feeding on his students. She killed the headmaster of this school and quickly returned to Generation X. Soon after, Monet began to date her teammate Everett Thomas, also known as Synch, until he died trying save everyone on the team from a bomb implanted by Adrienne Frost.

Monet took the loss of his life hardest out of all of the Generation X members. Monet soon started to open up to her fellow teammates until the team realized that their leaders ( Banshee and Emma Frost) were no longer reliable mentors. She returned home for a while before joining Banshee's militant group known as X-Corps until its closing. She then joined the Xavier sponsored international mutant group X-Corporation until it too was dissolved following the events of M-Day.

Monet recently joined X-Factor Investigations , a private detective agency run by Multiple Man in Mutant Town, New York. Monet also recently appeared on the cover of Vanity Fair. M is first seen catching Rictor from falling after a evil dupe pushed him off a ledge. She then goes to Madrox and Siryn to read the mind of a woman who won't talk. She read the woman mind and tell Madrox she will handle it. She finds the airplane the man who committed the murder and telepathically create a illusion where the man tells the passengers what he did.

Team relations become more complicated when a drunken Jamie Madrox creates duplicates that, without him knowing so, sleep with both teammates Siryn and M in one night. Both women seem enamored with Jamie following their late night tryst, however, when Jamie confesses Monet immediately throws him out of a window. Monet then begins to continually slam Jamie against a wall in order to find the dupe that she slept with, causing frightened clones of Jaimie to emerge without a single confession. Without resolve, Siryn and M begin to ignore each other, but the young Layla Miller demands that they mend the issues between them. Monet quickly opts to go on a shopping trip to Paris for the two, and they subsequently become close and more comfortable with each other.

While the two are in a restaurant, a gang outside attempts to set a building that houses mutants on fire. M and Siryn quickly rush to defend the building, but M becomes infuriated when a bullet bounces off of her chest and shatters her Fabergé egg. The scuffle is brought to the attention of the local police, and the two decide to surrender themselves rather than creating a media frenzy with mutants yet again in the wrong. In jail, a man from the earlier riot walks by, bragging about burning the building and the lives he took. M breaks a bar from the cage and throws it at the man, stoically infuriated with his remarks. We soon see that M eventually crucified the man with bars from her cell before she and Siryn escape from the prison. Soon after, the pair return to the building, to find a little girl named Nicole sitting on a doorstep. The girl reveals that she is now an orphan due to the fire. This reminds M of her own younger sisters and she immediately grabs Nicole, telling Siryn that she is take them taking her with them back to the United States.

With new found respect for one an other, M and Siryn decide to team up again after Jamie asks them to attend to a clients job involving a custody battle involving two young twins who sing for the down fall of mutants. The two women go to see one of the children's concerts and after a couple of jokes, they quickly make their way back stage. Once there, Siryn is nearly shot in the head but the bullet grazes her skull, knocking her unconscious. M begins shouting at the sniper, but is snuck up on and is knocked unconscious when a chloroform filled rag is placed over her mouth. We next see the two locked up in a cabin with M being chained to the floor, while Siryn is gagged and bound to a chair. Their kidnappers are revealed to be Clay and Solo. Solo's suit refracts light which enabled him to sneak up on Monet.

With much effort, M finally breaks free of her chains, and when she knocks down the door of the cabin, Monet and Siryn find themselves in the middle of a desert like place. The two waste little time flying back in order to find the kids, with M, simply taking the elevator that they are currently in, along with their parents. M drops off the elevator on top of a rocky stand where a camp has been set up by the children's grandparents. However, it is soon revealed that this was all a ploy by the Isolationist to simply keep the two women, especially Monet, away from the team. When the two cannot contact any of their team members, M quickly flies back to their base, and catches the Isolationist, about to crush Rictor with a car. However, he throws the vehicle at M and quickly leaves the area.

During the Messiah Complex, M was rarely seen but eventually took part in the final battle on Muir Island.

Soon after this event, a generous Monet decided to buy all the women of X-Factor iPhones, but when Wolfsbane revealed she was leaving the team, M crushed it, promising her Layla's if Wolfsbane ever comes back. It is ironic to note, that while Monet purchased an iPhone for Layla, she seems convinced that the girl will not return. Later she is seen talking to Siryn about her pregnancy and suggests an abortion, although Siryn dismisses the idea immediately. M also states that she and Siryn are now best friends, considering that Wolfsbane has left, M would be the best thing she's got.

After Rictor is kidnapped by Arcade, Monet's superhuman hearing is the only thing that is able to help track down X-Factor's captured teammate. When she finds him, she's electrocuted with apparently enough electricity to kill twenty grown men, and is knocked out. With her hair the only physical indication of her electrocution, a still rattled Monet confuses her teammates' names with those of other X-Men but still manages to use the head of one of Arcade's robotic henchmen to find the source of its control. Unfortunately, when the team arrives at his hideout, Arcade had already escaped and had set a bomb, that upon detonation would cause Mutant Town to implode.

X-Factor, recently did their part against the Skrull invasion of Earth during the Marvel event, Secret Invasion. The team clashed with She-Hulk and her partner Jazinda, who were after a Skrull posing as Longshot unbenknownst to the team.

While X-Factor tried to protect "Longshot" (who was accompanied the former X-Man Darwin), Monet and She-Hulk's attitudes clashed and the two physically battled, hurling insults at each other before eventually combining forces. Darwin's powers unwittingly revealed the Skrull's guise and X-Factor and She-Hulk took him into custody.

After the team allowed Darwin to stay with them, he developed a crush on Monet, which may have stemmed from his adoration of her Vanity Fair spread.

When Darwin was captured by the Karma Project, the real Longshot showed up to assist the team in rescuing. Monet was immediately attracted to Longshot, although it was unclear whether this was a result of his powers, or if she was really interested in him. St. Croix and Darwin recently teamed up to guard a depowered mutant named Lenore after a series of depowered mutant killings were reported. The entity responsible for the killings, Cortex, possessed Monet, pitting her against her teammates.

Monet is the super strong, rich know-it-all from Algerian, and she always provides a steady stream of sarcasm. She's stuck up, snobbish, hot, steamy, gorgeous. Did I mention she was hot? Being born with a sliver spoon in mouth, her powers and intelligence make her out to be the pinnacle of perfection. Human OR Mutant. Being filthy rich only increases her arrogance tenfold. Monet been repeatedly voted in various magazines as the number one sexiest woman in the world. She's got it all. At least, that's what she'd want you to believe. In fact, she's very sheltered, in more ways than one. After being trapped in the mute, red skinned, razor sharped body of Penance, Monet was very fragile. She rarely let others see her true self ,and is emotionally unable to connect with others around her and often comes off as cold and shallow. She developed a close relationship with Synch but that too, ended in tragedy. She keeps others at a distance, to protect herself. Hence, the creation of her self-centered alter ego, "M". "M" is everything Monet isn't: Strong, confident, quick witted, sarcastic and independent. 'M' is her perfect creation, what everyone wants or thinks she should be like, and most of the time it is 'M' that everyone sees. Monet rarely lets people in to see her true self; a scared, fragile girl who was imprisoned within her own body and tortured by her brother. She doesn't want them to see that part of herself, and so she locks it away tightly within and only lets people see 'M'. Monet is quite aware of her limitations and often feels quite lonely. Having been dependent on others for so long, Monet despite popular opinion of being a spoiled rich girl, is completely self reliant. She doesn't like or want to be rescued, but sometimes she just needs to be touched, to be reminded that she is human and that she isn't alone.

CLASS: Mostly a hero, but has crossed the line in dealing with criminals
ALTER EGO: Monet Yvette Clarisse Maria Therese St. Croix
POWER:: Super strength, invulnerability and flight
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