May Fanfiction Update

May 12, 2015 13:53

It's been a little while, so I wanted to post an update on the fanfiction front!

I know I said I was going to post a few Luna drabbles a while back, but I'm being a bit of a perfectionist with those and I've changed my mind a little bit about the (self-imposed) rules for that challenge. I'll make a bigger post about it in the next month or two when I can begin to work on it in earnest. Mostly I've been hard at word on my first two stories pretty much ever (!!), having completed one and still working on/perfecting the second one. The first one was already posted to the fest, but I'm very pleased with the results. It's still anonymous, so I won't say too much about it.

I should be done with my second story in the next week or so, and after that I plan to finish off some rarepair shorts for the numbers game on rarepair_shorts. I feel bad about not having completed any yet, as the fest is done on the 20th, but I've been crazy busy lately... I am still (foolishly?) hoping to knock out 2 or 3 before the fest is done on the 20th. I may even try to write all of the ideas eventually, as they're some pretty wacky and fun pairings, and I'd love to take a stab at them.

After that, I'm really looking forward to working on a few challenges, like my Luna challenge for fanfic100 (unofficially), as well as some other neat ones I've found. We will see how that goes! (I'm not even going to start thinking about the 2 or 3 fests I've signed up for beyond that, or the bazillion other ideas I'm hiping to write in the next few months).

Now that I've finished my first significant (to me, at least) story, I somehow feel like I can write everything ever, LOL!

Lastly, I was honoured to get 3rd place at the dmhgchallenge for April! I am really loving this drabble community, and I'm so thankful that anyone votes for me! There's always a lot of great entries. Here's my banner!

That's about it for now. Random side note: I am currently in the throes of watching GOT for the first time (late to the party, I know... but I'm one of the lucky few that can binge 5 seasons in a row for the first time, so there :p) so I hunted for some GOT userpics for this post, haha. Luckily, I won't have to worry about writing any fic for this fandom as apparently GRRM is against fanfiction. I will gladly take that excuse, haha!

game of thrones, harry potter, fanfiction, fests, awards

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