well..that is just seems rather unfair...

Jan 10, 2010 14:58

I am sad today to learn of the passing of a high school friend.

He died suddenly yesterday leaving his life partner and young son behind. His status this past Wed on FB was all about the promise of the day and pleasing a customer he was working with...and then  today...scant hours later...he is gone. Just like that...no dramatic dragged out dis-ease, no warning (other than us all struggling to live in the toxic environment of Western living)...just here Wed and Thurs of this week, then not here Friday or today...


It further solidifies to me that when Goddess says  "you're done"..... you are done. It makes no sense what so ever to those we physically leave behind...but somewhere in the Divine Blueprint...it is what we agreed to do. ....and that while we are in the Here & Now...it is imperative we learn, learn, learn and suck the marrow right out of Life as much as we can. Messily, passionately and fully.

Having had many friends transition from this plane at what societal norms dictate is "at an early" age...(unless of course you are in a Logan's Run episode...but I digress) I get it.....it happens...but usually with some sort of "harbinger" of knowledge....or pre-destined, self imposed behavior that leads to the Grand Exit...this was seemingly sudden. But then, I was not privy to the inter-workings of Jim's daily life, nor were we uber close. We shared the common experience of growing up in Cloquet. I thought he was a quiet, nice, sensitive, geeky guy in H.S. We reconnected at our 20th reunion and he showed me he was a man who bloomed into a boisterous, driven adult. One who found himself in coming out, telling the world who he really was, and not apologizing for that. He was focused on his business, his family, and lately his health....and wanted to make his world more of a stable and solid place for those he loved to stand and be cared for.

Way to suck out that marrow, Jim...well done.

In light of my direct and indirect dealings with Spirit that last few months....it makes me even further aware of how so much is changing so very, very fast.

To you, friend Jim...I thank you for touching my life if only briefly...and your transition is also a wake up call, a reminder, a touch stone, a not so gentle nudge in the direction of "get your shit together, Dayna Jean...."

And for that gift, I thank you..

I send Love and Light to your family as they grieve your passing. I know you are watching over them, and eventually, .....eventually with time and patience.....they will be ok.

Blessings to you on the Next Phase of your Journey.


EDIT: update: An accidental ingestion of a toxic substance...with little details other than a police investigation is underway.
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