
Mar 15, 2018 21:46

Not sure what I want to write only that I want to write.

Due to the fact that I am using the app on my phone to access livejournal this may turn into a rant on how much I really dislike the app and how frustrating it is to try and type on the phone.

I really enjoy writing once I get into it but even working on my fanfic holds little appeal when my only writing option is using this unwieldy device.  But hey, at least it has a spell suggestion.  Usually I type so quickly I don't get the chance to notice the suggestions.

Baby girl is not liking this idea of weaning but I really need that full night's sleep.  We are down to nursing only at night but even when I don't nurse her she wakes up multiple times and, here lately, it is obvious she wishes to go back to sleep only is unable to for some reason.  I have tried gripe water in case it is due to gas and laying her on her left side and rubbing her back in circles but nothing seems to help.  I get so very tired during the day, and the weekends have been busy with repairs or emergencies, I'm feeling like I am at the end of my rope and I will never catch up.

Well baby girl has manages to stay asleep for a full half hour so I am going to make an attempt as well.  *crosses fingers*  Here's hoping she stays that way for a good long while.


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