The end of an eventful week.

Aug 23, 2009 17:33

Over the last week many things have happened to me that is making me more aware of my life in general. It seems that lately I have been coasting so to speak through my life and not really trying to improve myself.
As most of you know at my job I was trying for the fifth time for a promotion. I thought that this one was in the bag so to speak because it was temporary and dealt with training. With my background in on the job training and teaching I felt sure my credentials would let me see if corporate training was something I would like to do. Well they had us teach a portion of a class to give us feedback, but it wasn’t supposed count towards the job. I polled my fellow co-workers and found the concept of reading word for word from the manual was not really helpful. I knew the other candidates where going to lean towards the traditional. If this was going to not count towards the job, but was only for feedback I tried something different. I will be honest what I tried didn’t really work that well, but as a teacher I walk into these situations knowing that might not happen. I had realized that before the feedback was given to me. The supervisor basically told me that I needed to speak more concisely and not use “I” so much. Easy enough to fix in the classroom, so I thought, but I got back from camping for three days and was pulled into the conference room during my lunch.
During this “meeting” in which my friend was in and two people that I didn’t even know had gone for the job, the site supervisor basically told us that they had offered the jobs to other people. I was in shock and didn’t take much else. I remember them saying that they needed strong people here and after the training they would need more people to go down and answer questions of the new people. Basically I would do my job in Amarillo and I can almost guarantee that the compensation would be my current salary which is pitiful. The mentioned that they were going to need trainers for my position down there later. Do they really think that I believe that I have a chance at that when they don’t want me to train the level below me? I walked out of the meeting with one question why?
I promptly got to my desk and emailed my friend and Sean with my shock. I decided to email the site director to get the answer to why. I found out the ones that some of the ones that got the promotion were involved in some very questionable things. Also it seemed that the “buddies” of the certain people were the answer. I was in shock most of the rest of day and Sean drug me out to eat because he knew I was stewing and that isn’t good. I went over to my friend’s and discussed the matter in more detail.
When I walked in the door the next day I knew it wasn’t going to be that great. I waited the whole day and had not heard anything from the site director. When I got home from my appointment I crashed, I was so tired. I awoke once but ended up sleeping through to next morning. It was the first time I remember ever sleeping for 11 hours at one go. I awoke the next day bright, chipper, and the lingering headache gone. I got to work and emailed HR, because of my concerns.
I spent an hour with her and cried for the first time in months. She was sympathetic and told me she would talk to others. I worked some thinking about my upcoming meeting with the site director after the all unit meeting. She pulled me in before with the supervisor and told me why I didn’t get the job. Basically I talk to detailed and that confuses some. (I considered this later, yes I do this but in this instance it is BS). Basically she believed I have the education and the experience, but I don’t show it at work. My thoughts were that my job doesn’t involve teaching, yes answering questions, but not actually teaching. She said that that is reason why I have never been promoted. The first time I heard this? The week before! She also told me that she wants me to develop, so we can work on that. Basically work at playing the game, my credentials don’t mean squat.
This job wasn’t going to be forever, but I really don’t get it, so I am looking for the last minute teaching job. Who knows I may actually get to do what I want!

Things I am working on:
1. Applications
2. My “communication style”
3. Making myself into what I want to be
4. Actually getting things done (see Sean’s note)
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