I have come to realize something over the past three days.
What's this profound revelation, you ask (for in my journal everyone always has to ask)?
Well, here it is folks:
Cinnamon gum is evil!
It's addictive.
It causes the un-sexy TMJ Dysfunction.
It kills taste buds as it burns the ever-loving crap out of your tongue.
I've said it.
I cannot taste anything! Everything tastes like burning and I kind of like it. Why eat food when you can chew an 18-pack o' gum and experience the joys of tingling and lingual insensitivity?! Nothing hotter than a numb tongue, I always say… well, not really, but I tend to lie. Not only is my tongue over-stimulated from my current Epicurean love-interest (If I could even get away with calling gum that), but my lovely Temporo-Mandibular Joint is not happy either. I know, I know, the bumps on the back of my head are not a good sign. Do you think I care? Right now, no. I am addicted. I'm ridin' the Cinnamon-Love-Snake and I sure as fuck am not getting off! Well, okay, I'm lying again… I'll get sick of the gum and move on to some other delicious snack item next week. What can I say? I'm fickle.
On another note: I cannot take a serious picture to save my life.
I'd share more, but I really don't think the internet needs more unflattering photos of cam-whores.