Feb 25, 2005 23:22
Just thought I'd post a little update. Today is February 25, 2005. It's the first day of spring break! yay! On February 15th, AJ and I celebrated our 15 month anniversary! It was very special. On Valentine's Day, he surprised me with 15 pink tipped white roses and a box of chocolates. Then he took me out to Red Lobster...where I got to have my favorite food in the world- crab legs! It was so special! They were a wonderful two days. Philip (my kitten) is doing well. Today he got some shots so he is pretty tired. I went to a wedding tonight of some friends of ours in the church, Lauren and Alik. It was beautiful. I don't know either of them very well, but I love weddings. I got to see lots of my old friends from Georgia. It was nice. It's weird to think that Lauren and Alik are MARRIED now! But cool. I'm so jealous! hehe. I can't wait to get married! I couldn't help but think of my own wedding during the ceremony. The reception was gorgeous. I got the caterer's info cause they were amazing. I wish AJ could have come with me though. He had to work. School is going much better this semester. My grades are all good. I need to find a room mate for next year though. I hope this is enough of an update. If you haven't talked to me in awhile, please call or email me. I really miss my friends.