Sep 08, 2005 11:58
schoolworksleepschoolworksleepschoolworksleep. eeso crazz! buffy comes home in three days! i can't believe i made it! and now fucking gas prices are fucking re-goddamn-dickulous. i'm prolly gonna hafta overdraw my account to get to eugene and back. butsgonna be sooooo worth it dammit!. buffs called a couplea times and each time i barely recognize her voice. dammit!
so soon, yet so... not soon!
good thing i'm driving the next coupla nights for hot lipth peetha. it always goes faster when one is driving.
i love art thcool! i get to make songs on garage band and videos in i-movie for homework.
time to go propose that the school pay for the trip to seattle to volunteer for the marathon.
i heart buffy!