Ok, so I'm going to put these here for now...I might update as I go...
1. I love anime. I love cartoons. Some people see it as childish, but the ability to go beyond the constraints of reality makes the characters a lot more interesting. At least to me :P
2. I have a lot of guy friends. And I wouldn't have it any other way. :D
3. I have recently become a fan of WWE. Yes, it is "fake". Yes, some of the matches are predetermined. No, I don't care.
4. I couldn't have picked a better roommate <3 I wish I could be a better roommate to her.
5. Swing dancing is surprisingly a lot of fun. I wish I was better at it though. Its embarrassing when a really good dancer asks you to dance and you just can't keep up. But I'm learning.
6. Apparently the rugby team can play intramural soccer too! We had our first game tonight and won! I scored 2 of the 3 goals, then we went into overtime to win the suddendeath kickout.
7. I was afraid to change my major for the longest time because I was afraid people would think lesser of me. Now that I have, I could give a shit less what they think; it was one of the best decisions ever.
8. (speaking of good decisions) I joined rugby on a whim. One day as a naive freshman I was walking around the quad on Quad Day and saw the Women's Rugby booth. I thought of how my dad missed the sport so much and how he and my mother would be worried sick about me getting hurt and turning into a lesbian blah blah blah. I signed up. I went to the first practice. I was hooked. The adrenaline rush is unlike anything else.
9. This made me laugh so hard it almost took me to tears the first time I saw it.
10. I wish I was fit (and in turn, skinnier). But I just can't find the time or motivation to drag my lazy ass out of this chair and go do something besides homework and eat. dammmmmmnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
11. I miss drumline. A lot. :'( The performance high is wonderful. And saying I could (past tense) play 4-mallet marimba made me feel special.
12. As much as I hate admitting it, I am really good at drawing cartoons. I've gotten worse in the past little while because I haven't had time to practice, but I'm still pretty good.
13. I dated the same boy for nearly my entire high school career. Some people might think this was a poor decision, but looking back, I feel I learned a lot from it. About myself and relationships.
14. I like circles a lot. I have no idea why. They're my favorite shape!
15. Sometimes I wish I knew how people see me. Their thoughts on me, unbiased and unedited. I would use those criticisms to try to better myself. But at the same time, I am deathly afraid of what I might find out.
16. I have gotten closer to my parents in the last year and a half than I ever thought possible. I feel bad for burdening them financially. (I'm also a lot closer with my siblings now that we're not around each other 24/7)
17. I absolutely love Megatherium
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Megatherium. They're 14ft ground sloths that lived 8000 years ago. They're fucking awesome. I love them so. And Megaloceros! (
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Irish_elk) Better known as the Irish Elk, it stood 7 foot tall at the shoulders and lived around 11000 years ago. The Pleistocene was apparently super cool.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pleistocene_megafauna 18. I really like bookshelves. Bookshelves filled with books I've read or used. I've kept almost every novel from high school english classes and I've hoarded the ones from Alex and Natalie when they were going to throw them out (I think I now have 2 copies of both 1984 and Their Eyes Were Watching God). I don't think I've sold any of my text books back (my parents don't care, they kept all theirs and they told me to do the same). I love the manga I've piled up over the years and lining it all up so its neat and looks cool. As far back as I can remember I've wanted a library in my house, filled with books. Its like a time capsule, just looking at all of the books. In all honesty, I really really think this weirdness spawns from that one scene in Beauty and the Beast, where he reveals the library to her. Traumatized.