So it’s been a good day. A truly good day. Yeah I’m congested and feel like hell. But I’m happy again. Really happy.
Finally starting to get over shit. Coming off of “Conference High” doesn’t hurt either. I never debriefed y’all on that so here goes. Last Converse MAL NUMAL entry… I better start this before I get all verklempt….
(btw this year’s entry includes: argillas, Lebanese flag stickers on interesting portions of anatomy, Jose Bordon, U of Utah madness, empty bottle awards, Hockey Krishna!, etc.)
Wednesday (04/05/06)
Drove into DC on Wed. Dropped my car off at East Falls Church (word to the wise-there isn’t overnight parking at the park ‘n’ go’s anymore, so I definitely left my car there illegally till Saturday and was wicked lucky it wasn’t towed) and took the Metro into Rosslyn. Took the bus over to M St. then got a cab (I coulda walked it, but my suitcase was realllly heavy-and I’m blaming it on Ben…) to Georgetown.
OK let me start venting now by stating that I really don’t like that campus. I mean it’s pretty and all, just not a good conference venue if the weather is anything but perfect. Specially when you know there are conference rooms in the basement of where you’re at…. ::sigh:: I miss the Watergate. And no, I’m not blaming Mark.
Got into the hotel and hung out w/ Dave till the hotels were ready, then dumped my shit in Dave’s room. En route to the Prince Café in Georgetown, Mark calls us and asks for help at NCUSAR, so Dave and I head over there. After a/b an hour of that bullshit Dave and I head for the Verizon center to meet up w/ nearly all of the Kennesaw team (Apparently Samir got lost on the Metro…..) to see a Caps v. Carolina game. Game kinda sucked but hanging out with everyone was fun. Especially Jonathan buzzin’ and singing “hockey krishnaaaaa” to the “Hare Krishna” chant. Ohhh and singing “The Joker” on the escalator. Of all the teams that have adopted me over the years, Kennesaw is indeed my favorite.
So most of the gang then heads over to the Prince Café to hang out and wait on NEU. Phil, Little Ben, and Jared joined us after a while and we hung out there for a very long time. Went up to Phil’s room for a bit and hung out w/ him, Yannick, Ben, maybe Sean? Oh wait no, Sean didn’t get there till Thursday. Anyways, I can’t remember everyone-I was kinda passing out. Phil finally let me go to bed so I went downstairs and passed out w/ Ghizlane, Jelena, and Chelsea. (btw, Chelsea’s a bit of a cuddleslut….)
Thursday (04/06/06)
Woke up Thursday b/c the gals had to go to their embassy visit. Stumbled down to Kirk/Samir/Dave/Jonathan’s room to get some of Jonathan’s truly orgasmic coffee. I swear if he wasn’t ancient (jk ;)) there’d be a/b 85 Model Leaguers lined up to pounce him just for the coffee (and 64 of those would actually be girls!!) alone. But yeah, lookin’ like shit in front of the boys but not really caring. Samir and Kirk were in their boxers so it’s only fair I suppose. Everyone left for the Embassy visit. Got a shower and found Phil/Ben. Went to UNOs with Phil/Ben/Jared/Sean (Yannick’s a pansy) that morning. Turns out Yannick made the right decision b/c UNOs decided to kill Sean… If nothing else, at least Oscar Camargo’s legacy will go on for another year.
Went over to the Council w/ Phil/Ben b4 detouring over to the Atlantic Council for lunch w/ Carmen Iezzi, then back over to NCUSAR. Ben/Phil/Mark had left me, so I had to get the train back over to Foggy Bottom on my own. Had the Pentax with me so got some great shots of the area (::crosses fingers::). Hopped a cab and got over to the Hotel to find my lovely advisor ripping the attendant at the hotel a new asshole b/c 2 of our rooms hadn’t been reserved. Eventually ended getting all that worked out, sorta. Our room was a suite w/ 1 king-sized bed, one flip-out couch and one air mattress. But, as it is w/ all conferences, it all worked out.
Got back a/b 30 minutes b4 the first rules briefing, so I flew upstairs, got on my nice lovely new suit (which even got whistles from Joe-go me, lol) and got downstairs for our briefing, with all of 3 ppl, lol. Ben opened plenary and I swore in my justificates and left to “brief them on how I wanted the Court run this year” (aka skip as much as plenary as possible). Finished that up and ran upstairs to get my laptop during plenary (I’m sorry, but the Ambassador’s speech each year is a/b as titillating as watching paint dry…) and bummed around “helping” Kate just to keep the hell out of the room.
After plenary went over to BFE for the first committee session. Due to technical difficulties we sat around and did nothing for like the first 2 hours. Poor Jack had to run around like a chicken w/ his head cut off for shit that wasn’t even his fault… it sucked.
That night had a shisha party on the patio, courtesy of my argilla and Ben’s shisha/coals. I forgot to bring tin foil, but Tracey saved the day. So many fun ppl that night-me, Phil, Ben, Jared, Jonathan, Brian, David, Adria, Amanda, Matt Gass, Erik, Sean (who swears he was there but I don’t remember…….. [I suck at life]), Samir, Jamie/Chelsea for a sec, Stephen, Candy, Danielle, Sarah, and I’m sure I’m missing like 100 ppl here but oh well my head hurts. Ordered food and had a blast. Seriously, that may have been my favorite nite at conference.
Friday (04/07/06)
Woke up w/ a shitty shisha headache, mostly b/c I always am dehydrated at conference as is w/o smoking that much shisha. Oh well. Got a shower and headed down to Dave/Samir/Kirk/Jonathan’s room to meet Dave (oops, this was the day I saw the guys in their boxers, jk) who was in the shower. Met Dave downstairs, and had to wait for Tracey. Headed over to the Mall to go to some of the Museums. Met up with Jamie/Chelsea at the Natural History Museums. Got to see an awesome exhibit on Sikhs and the Punjab region of India. Tracey got me lots of great pics. <3 Tracey :). Got a great lunch in the basement btwn the two wings of the National Gallery of Art-YUM. Took a cab back over with Dave. Got ready for conference and headed over to the ICC building for session. Session was basically uneventful. Other than (to quote Samir) “going Arab” on the two Bahraini justices’ ass’s. I swear I hate the like 5 elitist Arabs at Conference who think their better than all of us who are doing our best to be on policy. Fuck ‘em.
Friday night went to the Prince Palace (honestly, the Café is better-‘cept it’s missing the belly dancing). Mike/Liz and Mark were there too, which was fantastic. After initially not knowing who the hell I was, Mike finally remembered me (Yeah, I didn’t help it by like being “HEY Mike!!!” and have him going WTF…?). Me/Amanda/Phil/Mike/Liz/Mark/Sean/Ben had a fantastic time, other than my empty stomach bailing on beer, Turkish coffee, shisha, and little else… Walked back mostly w/ Phil, Sean, and Ben-Phil to yell at me for lord knows what, Ben for me to yell at haha, Sean to swap Brat stories with . Went to bed
Saturday (04/08/06)
Saturday was f’in insane. Committee from 9AM-10PM, with very few breaks. My Vice-Chair really got beaten on that day, too :(. Mum/Matt picked up my car in East Falls Church and brought it into Georgetown, so I had my car. Hung out w/ me for several hours, so Matt became my de facto Baliff. Good resume experience haha.
We got crisised!!! Not to bore y’all w/ the details but Egypt got the Bird flu and ppl were dying and Algeria was shooting everyone and Hosni was all pissssssed. The ACJ’s job was to define under the LAS charter and the JD&EC Treaty what the League could do either w/ or w/o Egyptian approval. After a/b an hour of bullshit in my committee I put the Court onto a speakers’ list!! Seriously, I had to lay the smackdown but it was fun. 15 second speakers’ time, no yields, no changing the speakers’ list every time we limited. We finished that damned crisis w/in 20 minutes of that. Earned me my first award ever too, but I’ll discuss that later…
Joe v. Phil case happened again this year. Learned too much a/b both of their uses of Viagra (and Sallah as well…), and got to see my lovely advisor drop and give us 10 in the middle of committee, lolol.
OK so for the problems that day:
1) OAPEC (Bahrain) v. Libya Case - OMFG total bitches on the Bahraini side. Libya was really confused (and as it was of Sallah’s kids I cut him some major slack). Kept cutting each other off and being bitchy during crossexam, so we ended that right quick. Had to keep my Vice-Chair (the lovely Miss Jessica Katz from Grand Valley-boy did she save my ass multiple times) for more than the requisit hour but i honestly don't think she minded.
2) During OAPEC v. Libya we had the biggest problem w/ the Mauritanian delegation (as much as I love you Charlie and Dr. Naim, y’all’s HD is a total bitch) regarding a delegation.
3) During both the OAPEC v. Libya case and the Mauritania debacle, Palestinian Affairs was having a total meltdown. Chair sucked and my darlin’ Brian had to chair. For like 2.5 hours. Poor kid…. I ended up being nominated acting ASG by Kate and had to keep them from killing each other. Mariam was scared I think :-P. Tyler was impressed w/ my parade rest though. haha
OK so Saturday night. Mark/Mike/Liz went and got booze and we partied it up in Dave’s room. OMFG dave got pissssed that night. Started sticking Lebanese flag stickers on everyone. Including one over each of his nipples. Amanda had one stuck in her cleavage lol. Dave made Samir stick one to me too… Samir’s all like trying to stick it w/o actually touching me, lol. grrr. Ended up w/ 2 on the collar of my polo so that was cool.
Hung out w/ His Excellence Jose Cordovo Bordon (aka Jared-leave it to Jared to find random shit on the floor and make a name of himself with it-no pun intended). Most of Kennesaw was at the party for at least some length of time, as well as Jared/Mike/Liz/Mark/Sean/Amanda/Phil/Ben. Mark and I had to go on asshole patrol at one point as some fuckhead from U. of Utah thought it would be OK to fuck with one of our (our in the NEU sense-yes their my kids shut up) freshman. Got to fake for like 5 seconds that Mark and I were dating which was highly amusing for me at least.
Go back down to the party pissed at as hell. End up almost crying all over Samir b/c I’m so frustrated. Phil takes me back out in the hall to tell me some fantastic news a/b an award for Joe (will explain later) and I end up crying anyways. Walk back into the party all puffy-eyed and red-nosed, so everyone was accusing Phil of hitting me. LOL.
Hung out for a few more hours then collected up my stuff and Sean made sure I made it to my room w/o any random fights w/ U. of Utah, haha. Gotta love chivalry. Got like 4 hours of sleep maybe that night…
Sunday (04/09/06)
Sunday was very sad for me. Had my last committee session ever as a Connie to finalize Court stuff. Seriously, for the most part I had a great committee: Komal, Kelsey, Erik, Jessica, Tracey, Charlie, Phil (can’t seem to bloody get rid of him lol), Yannick, Abby… They were absolutely awesome.
Made my way into Summit and we read the Court decisions. Then onto awards. Phil presented Joe with the NCUSAR Lifetime Achievement Award, so of course I’m cryin’ all over the place and they make me speak first. Converse got a bunch of in-committee awards and ended up getting Best Delegation for Iraq along with NEU (Algeria) and KSU (Lebanon, bitchezz!!!! LOL I miss Emil). Dave Valente got best Chair and Elizabeth Mayes got Honorable Mention Chair.
I finally got an award in MAL ppl… after 3 years of absolutely nothing and working my butt off I finally earned an award: Best Chair during a Crisis Situaion. Again I got a lil’ verklempt.
Nothing got me like Dave’s final bottle award. 1) I didn’t know he was going to do it and 2) I didn’t know it was going to me, but that honestly made everything sink in a/b how it’s going to be the last one ever :(.
So we end everything and I go up to the hotel to grab my shit. Say goodbye to everyone and manage to make it into the official Kennesaw team picture hahahaa. Wore my Huskies’ T-shirt for good luck and said goodbye to everyone else. Finally found my car where mum had parked it from Saturday. Drove the 435 miles home starting at 2:30 PM. Made it home around 11:30 and passed out
So there you have it. The last MAL as a Connie, possibly ever. Hope you enjoyed it!
Love and Hugs,
PS: Favorite song of the moment is Butch Walker’s
“Maybe It’s Just Me” Check it out…