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Oct 05, 2006 11:44

My LiveJournal Trick-or-Treat Haul queenselene goes trick-or-treating, dressed up as Evil Fairy. bunnytsukou gives you 5 milky white cinnamon-flavoured pieces of bubblegum. classyfemme tricks you! You lose 1 pieces of candy! davirien gives you 5 blue orange-flavoured pieces of chewing gum. deviant_queen gives you 1 light blue tropical-flavoured gummy bats. dizzyjay gives you 4 blue coffee-flavoured pieces of bubblegum. innocentwarrior gives you 5 mottled green lemon-flavoured gummy worms. killerchopstix3 gives you 8 blue apple-flavoured gummy worms. kinkyllama88 gives you 8 purple chocolate-flavoured pieces of taffy. matukhon gives you 8 green tropical-flavoured gummy worms. morphixx gives you 13 purple vanilla-flavoured pieces of chewing gum. queenselene ends up with 56 pieces of candy. Another fun meme brought to you by rfreebern.
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