(no subject)

Jun 10, 2005 23:48

I decided to start my very own meme. That's right, an Emma meme.

We'll call this the 24 meme because I'm sooooo in a 24 mood right now. So if you watch 24 and looooooove it, you can answer this meme on your very own journal.

1. Are you pro Kim Bauer?
2. Curtis: total slacker, or just misunderstood?
3. Who is your Jack 'ship of choice?
4. What is your favorite all time Tony\Michelle moment... and you can only pick one!
5. Who had the better death: Mason or Chapelle?

1. Are you pro Kim Bauer? Yes, I am pro Spawn. I think it's funny that the majority of the fandom hates Kim, but I have to like her because of my girlcrush on Elisha Cuthbert. I do think it was a good idea to not have her in season 4, but I would like to see her in about 1/3 of season 5 because of all the time they spent building the Jack\Kim relationship... they should show her reaction to his "death" or something.

2. Curtis: total slacker, or just misunderstood? TOTAL SLACKER! My chemistry teacher and I used to laugh soooooo hard when we talked about Curtis. Like right after Michelle fires Sarah, and she comes over to tell Curtis, and he's all like "whhhhah? I have to do my job now? WTF?" But in his defense, he actually did some real work later on in the season.

3. Who is your Jack 'ship of choice? I think I'm going to go with Kate on this one. Teri's annoying. Despite the how awesomely evil Nina is, I don't ship them. Claudia was okay, but not great. And Audrey's nose bothers me. Plus she and Paul are like sooooo MFEO. But really I picked Kate for superficial reasons... she's the prettiest.

4. What is your favorite all time Tony\Michelle moment... and you can only pick one! Oh, this is so easy for me. Season 3 phone call when she tells Tony that the past 3 years have been the best years of her life. Just melts me.

5. Who had the better death: Mason or Chapelle? I really loved Mason's death, but I have to go with Chapelle here. I think there was so much more angst in the scene, and his character did a complete 180 for me. Mason was more like a 90, because I already liked him because of the snark.

Alriiight... so answer this in your LJ. Or in my comments, I don't care. JUST ANSWER IT!

memes, 24

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