As if you didn' t know enough about my academics

Oct 06, 2006 12:06

In case anyone cared, which I doubt they did, I did manage to get about 3 hours of sleep last night, which is better than none. Also? I pwned my Classics exam. If I had known it was going to be that easy I would have gone to bed at like midnight.

I am starting to get angry at my professors. I mean, please just don't tell me that you're going to drop like 5 quizzes because I will for sure skip class with the justification that 5 quizzes will be dropped. And this is a really bad habit of mine. I honestly think I would be better off if they just told us later that they were going to drop the quizzes. I'm speaking specifically about Accounting. I've missed a bunch of quizzes, but every quiz that I've taken I've gotten 100% on. I know that I know the material, which is also another reason I don't show up.

Also, I took my Hotel, Restaurant, and Tourism exam on Thursday. And it wasn't easy in the sense that just anyone could walk in and ace it, but it was ridiculously easy for those of us who have gone to class everyday. And taking the exam made me realize that I'm majoring in COMMON SENSE.

But see... I always go to the classes that are in my major everyday. So that's something, right? Okay, that's still pretty bad. I guess I will just have to reapply myself after fall break. Until then, I'm going to go nap straight through Accounting.


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