Today I spoke with Dr Ikram after I did some more work at her place. We discussed my past and what I want from my future (to work in a museum and on archaeological digs in Egypt). She said that, from what she has seen from me so far, the following MA programs would be a good fit.
Johns Hopkins, Emory,
Georgia State,
Memphis TN (as a safety), and
AUC if they get the MA program in place by then. She also suggested that I would be a good fit in being a registrar as it requires an attention for details, which I have, and is something that will make me valuable for multiple projects (museums, archaeological digs, etc), increasing my chances of being hired for projects. I looked up the information, and I think that it is something I would be good at. She also suggested that I learn spanish.... seeing as I have a spanish last name and took it in high school (although I don't remember hardly anything). I explained that I've a year of German, and learning Arabic here, and plan to continue German next year as well as start on French. Maybe I can get into a intensive summer course.... anyway, lots of good information.
She also said that she's going to recommend me to do some work at the Egyptian Cairo Museum this year, that I've proven myself to her, although she does want to read my paper before we get into writing display cards for the items in the museum. Granted at first it is just grunt work, typing information into a database, but it is also a great chance to learn and see how a museum works from the inside. I hope to get more museum experience next year at the Hudson Museum at UMO.
I know that the chances of being accepted into a graduate program are going to become more competitive due to the financial climate, and that if I am accepted into an MA program (then a PhD program, perhaps at a different school - her suggestion), the chances of getting a job are slim, she estimated 30%. Yet with the cold facts, unfriendly though they may be, I am still undaunted. I still feel as though I am on the right track, academically and career wise.