Apr 25, 2008 00:44
This sounds pathetic right but you can see why I'm annoyed.
Month's ago Gary wanted a fishtank so I gave him mine because it was taking up too much room and we were moving...
The fishtank cost £200 and thats no joke,its a fancy one.
So I gave him that and some fish.
Now because he hits the tank with a cup because he isnt careful the tank is going in his living room where his brother will smash it and Gary will forget to feed the fish/clean the water.
My parents didnt pay £200 for a living room ornament for Garys family and especially for one that will get broken.
So I said I would take it back when I move and he said
Gary D says (00:42):
take your fish away then!!
Mine can go in the bowl
How childish is that?haha