Oct 28, 2005 15:09
Well, things are different now for sure.
I saw Cruz today. Oh my God, that was weird. Oh my God, that was weird. I like went to go to the theatre room like usual, and there he was. I haven't really seen him in like almost three years. It was SO weird. I like threw my stuff down and ran and gave him a HUGE hug. It was so weird. It's like the last time I saw him, we were in different places in our lives. He's really into school and choir now. I'm so happy for him, he really can sing well. When I knew him, I was really into drugs and I drank ALOT. I smoked and I was making great grades, but I never tried. I was like flatter than hell and had NO figure. If he could have feelings for me THEN, imagine what it's like NOW! J'k. He was like, Liz? Damn. You've sure grown up. He is so different. He actually tries now. He used to be into so many bad things. It was so funny. The look on his face, when I walked up. It was of total shock. I was not a very pretty girl when I was younger. I had like no confidence and I never really went outdoors, so I was pale as hell. I had ABSOLUTELY no color. And since I was never in the sun, my hair was almost brown. It had no.... fire.... no spark... it was so plain. My freckles were really really really pale and my eyes were different. I've changed since then. Like in the 7th grade, it sucked. I had absolutely no confidence. I'm like a woman now, it's weird. And he's grown too.... God, it was a weird day.
So, today I also like dyed my hair green. Ug... I ended up washing it out. But I covered, absolutely covered myself in gold glitter. IT WAS AWESOME. Then in Second period some girls did green streaks in my hair. Only so much fun.... We had a sub, all is good.
Anyhow, in Third, it was FUN!!!! I love Theatre....
Fourth rocked. Mr. Jones is gone, he got fired. YES!!!!
Fifth was so Cool. I love Charlie. He is hilarious. Our group pictures ARE SO COOL!!!!
Sixth Rocked. Saw Cruz again, it's so weird. I realized how much I really have changed. And I talked to Johnson and he said for me to thank you two boys. He says that Ricky and Keith made me grow up. If not for them, he'd still want to kill me....
Seventh was fun. French is ok, but I could have had more fun.
Eighth. I BITE ROBBY!!!! YES!!! SCORE!!! I WIN!!!! I finished my damn review.
I loved today overall. I had a blast and I realized alot about myself.
I need to go and bitch at my mom and my brother.