I got an iPod touch for my birthday! Last time I had a working iPod was 2003. No, seriously. It's cool internet capabilities are probably the closest I'm going to get to a smart phone for a while, since I'm usually the last person to afford technology. I'm the Soviet Union of my social circle.
Anyway, with wifi comes internetting, and it just occurred to me to get an lj app! So maybe I'll get caught up with people again. I stopped reading lj and one of my favorite lj friends passed away. And seriously, if I had been reading her lj, I could have seen her face-to-face before she died.
On a lighter note, I got promoted at work to finance manager! I work longer hours now, and I'm in charge of money, which is more fun than it sounds. I guess I did always like being the monopoly banker :)
I hope everyone is alive and well out there!
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LiveJournal app for iPhone.