Seven (7) random things

Mar 20, 2012 21:58

Meme! Via zwol.

Comment to this post, and I will list seven things I want you to talk about. They might make sense or they might be totally random. Then post that list, with your commentary, to your journal. Other people can get lists from you, and the meme merrily perpetuates itself.

I have a soft spot for anything with excessive amounts of symbolism. This may be because of or in spite of A.P. Spanish Lit in high school (el symbolismo!), or possibly just unrelated. Things don't even have to be symbolic of anything, even, just generally symbolic-seeming (see: Titus Groan). Also good are things that seem symbolic but upon closer inspection are exactly what they appear to be at face value (see: that song that sounds like a sappy love song but is in fact about losing a bowling tournament).

Sometimes muffins are tasty, and sometimes not. I generally prefer muffins without nuts. Muffin-cupcake hybrids are pretty awesome.

We used to call Scamper "snarky bunny" because we were pretty sure she was making sarcastic remarks about us in her head.

Image macros
We used to have a printout of Ceiling Cat stuck to the ceiling above the QA team at Metaplace. I'm not sure if that was a statement about what the QA team may have been doing with their time.

Ahem. "You may notice that I am dressed up today. That is because today is Tuesday. I suppose it could be Thursday, but it's Tuesday."

I think we all know what consciousness is.

I never used to drink tea until I went to college, but my freshman year roomate got me hooked on it. Sophomore year I used it to thermoregulate because the radiator in my room wasn't very effective. Trish started me on teabags, but by the time I moved in with Kim and Alisha I had moved on to the real stuff. And I miss that tea place, too. They have an online store, but they don't sell the hummingbird tea on it. Maybe they discontinued it when we stopped going in.
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